The beginning of WWII
Germany invades Poland by bombarding Poland on land and in the skies. Hitler used his famous “Blitzkrieg” strategy that he also uses later in the war. Hitlers intention was to regain lost land and to rule Germany. But this ultimately sparked World War II because Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. -
Invasion of Denmark
Germany invades Poland without warning at 5 o’clock and King Christian X surrenders almost immediately. Many civilians were mad because the Danish government was doing nothing about it. Niels Skov was there to witness the invasion when he heard the sky buzzing with German planes. On that same morning Denmark’s King advised everyone to stay calm. But Niels was angry and wanted to do something about the invasion. -
Spying on the Germans
Tommy sneum has heard of a early warning system that the Germans had that would tell them if there was a plane around (later called Freya radar).Tommy knew that that it would create a disaster for the British so he was determined to do something about that. He equipped himself with two cameras and became an unofficial spy for Britain. He then went to a water tower near the Freya radar and captured footage and video of the new invention. -
A single act
Niels was outraged about the Danish government doing nothing about it so he felt the need to do something about it. One night Niels was riding on his bycicle when he noticed that there were German vehicles parked in the streets. So he came up with a plan to burn the cars. So months after the invasion he went to one cars in the night with a screwdriver and a match. He used the screwdriver to puncture a whole in the gas tank and threw a match under the car and it burst into flames. -
The flight of the Hornet
In 1941 Thomas Sneum does a daring escape from Denmark to give the footage to the British he got from spying. He does his escape with a partner named Kjeld Petersen in a Hornet Moth Plane from a farmer named Andersen. When they were in flight Tommy had to get on the wing of the Hornet to refuel it which was the most daring part of all. Then the next morning British planes were in the sky to investigate the plane. After that they landed in a cornfield that wasn't fully grown. -
Becoming an official spy
Tommy and Christophersen are then trusted by the British to spy in Denmark and become official spies. Next they return back to Denmark and drop down in parachutes. Then later in the year their cover was blown and they had to escape to Sweden across the North Sea. After that they were sent back to England. -
The sabotage of a Repair Shop
Niels wanted to sabotage more because he had a feeling the tide of the war could be turning. So one night he found a new target, a Ford auto repair shop that that housed German vehicles. He then sneaked in and looked at the layout and developed a plan. The next day he returned and piled 12 tires into weapons carrier and soaked it with kerosene. He then let out oil from storage bins and put a hole in the gas tank of a German motorcycle. Finally he set the place on fire with matches. -
Jews are Warned
Before the Germans had full control of Denmark the Danish government had made it clear that they didn't want any anti-Jewish restrictions or laws. But now the Jews had no escape of persecution. Georg Duckwitz learn that the Jews would be sent to cocentration camps so he warned many Jews. This sparcked many other Danish citizens to warn the Jews too. Because of this warning thousands of Jews escape and the German roundup of the Jews untimely failed. -
Niels is Sent to Prison
Niels was finally caught and put in prison. But the Germans were loosing the war so they wanted all the prisoners executed. The guards had no ammunition so the prisoners had to be moved. But during the time they were being moved they escaped. -
War Ends
All Danish prisoners are released April 20th-30th. Hitler commits suicide after D-Day April 30th. After that German forces in Denmark surrender. Finally Germany surrenders after signing a document in Reims, France. This ends WWII in all of Europe.