Born in England Ralph Hollingworth had left home to travel when he was 18. He'd ended up in Copenhagen, where he learned Danish and worked in a bicycle shop. -
invasion of poland
The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign, or the 1939 Defensive War in Poland, and alternatively the Poland Campaign or Fall Weiss in Germany -
they invaded Denmark and Germany woke up suprised -
SOE was form during some of the bleakest months of the war. It was a dark time for Great Britain which was struggling alone to face what on historian has called Nazi Germany -
As an officer in the navel reserves, Ralph received an order to return to Great Britain. A veil of secrecy shrouded his new assignment."I was to go to London and report at a given address, bring two sets of old clothes". -
the fall
Niels Skov was launching a sabotage campaign and Tommy Sneum was stalking a German military installation,another man, far from Denmark was about to become part of its wartime story. -
a danish businessman,Tommy made it to the British legation in Stockholm where he met the captain Henry Denham. The captain did not seem impressed so he sent him back to Denmark -
Tommy equipped 2 cameras untrained and untested an unofficial spy for Great Britain. His mission was to get pictures and details on Freya radar machinery at a top secret installation. -
Tommy was making his escape, Ralph Hollingworth sat in his London offfice struggling to cope with the death of a brilliant young man and the failure of his first SOE operation -
air force
They invited Tommy to join the Royal Air Force. He was assigned to defend the coast of Great Britain from attack. He would be flying again,although he would not be involed in any direct combat missions