
Cornelius Castoriadis / philosopher, economist, psychoanalyst

  • He was born in Constantinople

  • His family had to move to Athens

    They had to move due to the Greek–Turkish population exchange.
  • Graduation from Gymnasio

    He graduated from 8th Gymnasium of Athens in Kato Patisia. At this time he has his first active involvement in politics occurred during the Metaxas Regime (dictatorship).
  • Bachelor's degree

    He obtained a bachelor's degree from the School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences of the University of Athens.
  • First essays

    He wrote his first essays on social science and Max Weber
  • He fled to Paris

    He fled, with other Greek writers, artists and intellectuals on the ship “Mataroa”, to Paris (where he remained permanently) to continue his studies under a scholarship offered by the French Institute of Athens.
  • Economist at OECD

    He worked as an economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Psychoanalyst

    He worked as a psychoanalyst.
  • Director of Studies

    He joined the faculty of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socialesas a Director of Studies
  • He died in Paris

    He was the author of the work "The Imaginary Institution of Society" and became known as a philosopher of autonomy.