
By jgreen1
  • Oct 12, 1492


    Goal=India Results=landed in america
  • Feb 19, 1519


    Columbus discovers america and spain builds up supplies on islands. His goal is to capture th Aztec empire cause they have gold. Their leader is Montezuma. Located on a island in a lake it is called Tenochtitlan.`
  • Oct 20, 1519


    Trying to make a shoreline of the gulf of Mexico shoreline. Map was distorted.He went along the Texas coastline. Made the first map of theTexas coast.
  • Oct 19, 1527


    Goal=conquer the area between Texas and florida.Results= failed.
  • Oct 19, 1528

    Cabeaza De Vaca

    Was a bookeeper for Narvez. Was captured by karankawas dressed up as shaman and escaped. Is captured and taken to Mexico city and talks to the viceroy. Got sent home and wrote a book. Only 4 people made it to New Spain.
  • Oct 20, 1528


    Explore the gulf of Mexico shoreline by land.Epic failure by death.
  • Oct 21, 1528


    Was with Cbeza guided spanish on a expedition. First black man to enter Texas.
  • Oct 21, 1529


    Cornado left Mexico city and went to Texas was wounded while fighting. He failed because he was looking for cibola and failed.
  • Oct 22, 1539

    Fray Marcos

    Steve estaban was his scout in Texas. Follows the rio grande. Goal is to find cibola. Estaban sends a messenger that says he found Cibola so Marcos goes northwest. Creates an expedition to conquer cibola.
  • Oct 21, 1540


    He's trying to find cibola. rout is east texas. Finds the caddo. Goes to nachodoceous. Spain has a strong claim to east Texas.
  • ones

    Trying to build spanish settelments in the rio grande valley in nm. Founded santa fe. Looking for gold. Taking coronados route through the pan handle.
  • La Salle

    Found louisiana. His goal was to take Texas he faild.