2252523 orig

Conflicts between Christianity and the spread of Islam

  • Jan 1, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Muhammad dies, signifying the start of great change.
  • Jun 1, 633

    Jihad expansion

    Jihad expansion begins, taking control of surrounding areas
  • May 1, 674

    one of many battles

    A powerful Islamic fleet arrived at the wall of Constantinopolis. Which was the capitol city of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Islamic fleet was defeated in the end.
  • Jan 1, 700

    expansion into North Africa

    100 years after the death of Muhammad Arabs had converted most of North Africa to Muslim faith.
  • Jan 1, 732

    Battle of Tours

    During the 8th century the Muslims crossed over the Strait Gibralter and overran Spain. They entered into France but were defeated during the Battle of Tours.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1095 to Jan 1, 1270

    Crusades 1095 A.D.-1270 A.D.- 175 years

    The Crusades were attempts by the Christian World to gain control of the Christian shrines located in the center of the Muslim World. Eventually the Muslims did win.
  • Jun 15, 1099

    Seige of Jerusalem

    During the battles of the first Crusade the Crusaders siezed Jerusalem from the Fatimid Caliphate.
  • Apr 1, 1144

    Crusader loss

    The Seljuk general Zangi, governor of Mosul, captured the Edessa which led to the loss of the northernmost Crusader state
  • Jan 1, 1147

    start of 2nd Crusade

    The fall of Edessa stunned the european powers, King Louis vii of France and King Conrad iii of Germany joined forces to begin the 2nd Crusades
  • Apr 1, 1154

    defeat of the Crusaders

    Combined Muslim forces dealt a humiliating blow to the Crusaders. With this victory Nur al-Din would add Damascus to his empire
  • Jul 4, 1187

    Battle of Hattin

    Battle of Hattin
    Muslim armies under control of Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces. As a direct result of this, Muslims once again gained control over the city of Jerusalem. These Christian defeats prompted the 3rd Crusade.
  • Sep 1, 1192

    ending of 3rd Crusade

    King Richard i of England and Saladin signed a peace treaty ending the 3rd Crusade and reestablished the Kingdom of Jerusalem
  • Apr 1, 1492

    pushed off european peninsula completely

    In 1492 while Christopher Columbus was discovering America, during the reign of Queen Isabella the Muslims were forced off of the european peninsula completely.
  • Jun 1, 1571

    defeat of an Ottoman/Islamic fleet

    As the world centered more around sea-trades and merchants. A powerful Christian fleet destroyed about 90% of the Ottoman/Islamic fleet.
  • Crush of Islamic power

    The Ottoman Turks tried taking Vienna and were weakened in the loss, because they were so weakened they lost control of crucial cities, one such as Athens. At that time Peter the great from Russia joined the Holy Alliance, helping to crush the Islamic power.
  • collapse of power

    By the mid-nineteenth century American had won its freedom, France had won its revolution, and Christian powers had completely crushed the Islamic/Ottoman empire. European powers were trying to gain control of the lands
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1499

    Muslim influence fading

    For 700 years, staring in the 8th and going through the 15th century the Spanish Christians slowly pushed back the Muslim spread.