progris riport
A man with a very illiterate mind is asked to write a journal of all his thoughts. "Dr. Strauss says I shud rite down what I think and every thing that happins to me from now on. . . I am 37 years old." -
progris riport 2
Charlie is tested by a young man. He had to say what was in the inkblots. "I had a test today. I think I faled it. . . I couldnt see any picturs. I reely tryed. I held the card close up the far away." -
progris riport 3
Charlies First race with Algernon."Algernon won every time. I didnt know that mice were so smart,Maybe thats because Algernon is a white mouse. Maybe white mice are smarter than other mice." -
progris riport 4
Charlie finds out that The doctors are going to use Charlie for the experiment. "Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss argud about it. Dr. Strauss said I had something that was very good He said I had a good motorvation." -
progress report 6
Charlie comes out of the operation. Charlie already shows some signs of improvement. "Dr. Nemur looked at some of my other ones [progress reports] says I spell PROGRESS wrong and told me how to spell it and REPORT too. I got to try and remember that." -
Progress report
Charlie has gone back to work at the factory with all his friends. Charlie loves work and his friends he has at work. "Their really my friends and they like me. . . This morning Amos Borg . . . used my name when he shouted at Ernie the office boy. Earnie lost a packige. He said Ernie for godsake what are you trying to be a Charlie Gordon." -
progress report 9
Charlie and his friends from the factory go out to a bar and have a party. Charlies friend Joe Carp tells him to show all the girls how he mops out the toilet. "I showed them and everyone laffed when I told them that Mr. Donnegan said I was the best janiter he ever had . . . " -
Progress report
"I beat Algernon! I didnt even know until Burt the tester told me. Then the second time I lost because I got so exited I fell off the chair . . . " Charlie finally beats Algernon. Charlie also learns that Algernon is also a surgically enhanced brain powers juust like him. -
Progress report
Charlie stays home from work after a party the night before. Charlie learned some very devastating news. "I never knew that Joe and Frank and the others liked having me around all the time to make fun of me. Now I know what it means twhen they say " to pull a Charlie Gordon. I'm ashamed." -
progress report
Charlie has to take the inkblot test again. " i found out what a Rorshach is. It's the test I took before the operation . . . with the inkblots on the pieces of cardboard. . . He explained to me that last time he had used almost the exact same words he was using now. I didn't believe it, and I still have the suspicion that he misled me at the time just for the fun of it. Unless--I don't know any more--could I have been that feeble--minded?" -
progress report
Charlie creates a better working method at the factory. "Mr. Donnegan says it will save him ten thousand dollars a year in labor and increased production. He gave me a twenty-five dollar raise." Charlie also tries to go out to lunch. " I wanted to take Joe Carp and Frank Reilly out to lunch to celebrate, but Joe said he had to buy some things for his wife, and Frank said he was meeting his cousin for lunch." -
progress report
Charlie asks Mrs. Kinnian out to dinner. Charliealso finds out that Both of the doctorhate each other. "Dr.Nemur was saying that it was his experiment and his research,and Dr. Strauss shoutedback that he contributedjust as much . . . " -
progress report
Charlie quits his job at the factory because alll of his co-workers wanted himto. "The first I knew it was when Mr. Donnegan showed me th petotion. Eight-hundred names , everyone in the factory, exceptfor Fanny Girden" -
progress report
Charlie learns that the doctors are going to quit the experiment. Charlie wants to continue with the reaserch on his own. "Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur have asked me not to come to the lab any more . . . If there is an answer,
I'll have to find it out for myself." -
progress report
Charlie finds out that the surgery only lasts for a certian amount of time. Charlie finds an answer to the reaserch. Charlie finds out that "artificially inceased intellegence deteriorates at a rate of time directly porportional to the quantity of the increase." -
progress report
Charlie starts to loose his extreme knowledge. Algernon also dies a few days before this entry. "Deterioration progressing. I have become absent minded. Algernon died two days ago." -
progress report
Charlei goes back to work because he looses all his money and needs to pay the rent. Some new guy at the company tells Charlie to "say something intelligent. I felt bad but Joe Crap came over and grabbed him by the shirt and said leave him alone you lousy cracker or ill break your neck." -
progress report
Charlies decides to leave. He leaves New York for good to go somewhere where nobody will now he became smart and then dumb again. "Thats why Im going away from New York for good. I dont want to do nothing like that agen. I dont want Miss. Kinnian to feel sorry for me. Evry body feels sorry at the factery and I dont want that eather so Im going someplace where nobody knows that Charlie Gordon was once a genus and now he cant even reed a book or rite good."