• He was born

    He was born
    He was born in Landport-Portsmouth (England)
  • He moved

    He moved
    When he was five, his family moved to Chatham (Kent).
  • School

    He went to primary school science seven to nineteen years.
  • First Articles

    First Articles
    Under the pseudonym Boz he wrote several articles inspired by everyday life in London, accompanied by illustrations by Cruikshank and entitled Sketches by Boz.
  • Got married & children

    Got married & children
    That same year he got married with Catherine Hogarth, and they have 10 children.
  • Pickwick Club

    Pickwick Club
    He saw his work published as The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club, new deliveries in 1836 and eleven more in 1837.
  • Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist
    Oliver Twist is one of the most famous novels of Charles Dickens.Written between 1837 and 1839 and published in monthly guide narrates the adventures of a young orphan of the nineteenth century.The protagonist, that is poor, resist the temptation of crime and moves through the different environments in London. It was translated into Catalan in 2012 by Maria Mercedes Estévez and Figuerola.
  • Unitet States

    Unitet States
    He traveled to the United States in 1842, where he had a great reception. The same year he published a work that won the rejection of the society of the United States and in England meant the first major failure of his career American Notes. However, again supported by the public thanks to his work Christmas Song (A Christmas Carol).
  • Novels

    His novel Dombey and Son (1846-48) meant a change in the working method of improvisation passed the complete planning, which could be done thanks to the knowledge of stylistic resources that were achieved. In 1850 he founded Household Words, which published texts by authors little known and where he published Hard Times (Hard Times, 1854). Bleak House (the mansion) was published by Bradbury & Evans in monthly installments (1852-53).
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Around the year 1850, the health of Dickens had gotten worse, a situation aggravated by the death of his father, a daughter and sister. The public scandal that constituted his supposed romance with an actress 18 years said Ellen Teman, which tried to defend himself with a note to the Daily News, contributed to his break with Katherine. Since then, Dickens character changed dramatically. He continued, however, lecturing and writing.
  • Dickens death

    Dickens death
    On 8 June 1870, Dickens suffered a stroke. After a day of work was published first Edwin Drood. The next day, June 9, five years after the accident had Staplehurst Railway 01:00, 9 June 1865, died a Gads Hill, would have recovered in consciousness.