Ch 7 timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Muhammad is a famous prophet in the Islamic religion, his revaluations would later go on to form the book of the Quran. Which is a main book of the Islamic religion.
  • 610

    Muhammads first revelations

    The beginning of his revaluations that would later go on to structure the Quran.
  • 613

    Muhammad Preaches his new faith

    Muhammad teaches that he was called on by God to be his prophet and tells people his revaluations
  • 622

    Muhammad and his followers fled the city of Mecca

    Due to persecution and conflict with the leader Muhammad and his followers had to flee the city
  • Period: 624 to 627

    Wars between Muhammad and the Quraysh of Mecca

    Muhammads success made him a huge threat so the Quraysh launched attacks of hum and his followers in Medina which led to battles between the two
  • 628

    Muslim-Mecca Truce

    Treaty signed to end the battles and also gave Muhammad a victory of sorts.
  • 630

    Muhammad enters Mecca

    Muhammad enter Mecca seemingly victorious
  • 632

    Death of Muhammad

    The death of one of the most famous prophets in the Islamic religion.
  • 632

    Start of the Rule of Caliph Abu Bakr

    Start of the Rule of Caliph Abu Bakr
    The first Caliph who unified almost all of the Arabian Peninsula under his rule. It ended in 634
  • Period: 633 to 643

    Rida Wars

    Wars launched after rebel Arabian Tribes, most were defeated and sent back into the caliphate
  • 634

    Start of the Rule of Caliph Umar

    Start of the Rule of Caliph Umar
    The second Caliph who greatly expanded Islamic state and gained world power. Assassinated to end his rule in 644.
  • Period: 634 to 643

    Start of Muslim conquests of Byzantine Empire

    Start of many battles between the Muslims and Byzantines which would go on for centuries
  • 637

    Destruction of the Sassanian

    They were overthrown by the Arab Caliphate and taken over.
  • 644

    The start of the rule of Caliph Uthman

    The start of the rule of Caliph Uthman
    The third Caliph who appointed his relatives as people of power and wealth. He grew very corrupt near the end of his rule in 656
  • 656

    The start of the rule of Caliph Ali

    The start of the rule of Caliph Ali
    The fourth and final Caliph who was the cousin of Muhammad and undid the corruption in the system. The opposition to his reign and later led to a civil war in which he was assassinated in 661
  • Period: 656 to 661

    The Fourth Caliph rule

    Ali, the fourth caliphs rule lasted from 656 until he was assassinated in 661
  • Period: 661 to 680

    Rule of Mu’awiyaibn

    Governor of Syria at the time and the first ruler of the Umayyad Dynasty
  • Period: 661 to 750

    The Umayyad Caliphate

    The First Muslim Dynasty, the first ruler was Mu’awiyah II
  • Period: 680 to 692

    Second Civil War

    Started from the opposition of the rule of Yazid I after he succeeded Mu’awiya
  • Period: 744 to 750

    Third Civil War

    Due to opposition of Caliph al-Walid II who ended up losing to Marwan II but authority of the Umayyad was never the same after the war which led to the Abbasid revolution.
  • Period: 747 to 750

    Abbasid Revolution

    Movement to overthrow the Umayyad Caliphate which in the end was successful.
  • 750

    Abbasid Caliphate begins

    Created after the Abbasid revolution and it lasted until 1258