Cesar Chavez

  • Cesar Chavez was born

    Cesar Chavez was born
    he is from Yuma,Arizona and he stays their till he is eleven years old
  • Worked with his family ad a migrant worker

    Worked with his family ad a migrant worker
    Cesar worked with his family as a migrant worker when he was eleven years old
  • Chavez family goes broke

    Chavez family goes broke
    Cesar Chavez became a migrant worker
  • He was a migrant worker.

    He was a migrant worker.
    Between the years 1938-1942 he worked as a migrant worker. it was very hard life and they were poor.
  • He and Hellen had eight cildren and risins from his job

    He and Hellen had eight cildren and risins from his job
    With his wifs support he risins his work to form the farm workers union.in just tree months he plans to use the boycotts and strikes to fight the growers
  • boycotting the grape growers

    boycotting the grape growers
    boycotts the grape growers and also goes on a fast because the migrant workers were thinking about violence and so he did that to remind them of la causa
  • the grape growers finally gave in

    the  grape growers finally gave in
    They signed the first union contract with the farm workers .It was long and painful battle but they fought for what they wanted and what they deserved.
  • Cesar Chavez death

    Cesar Chavez death
    he died peaceful in his sleep near Yuma,Arizona .He died at natural causes ,but he died a hero to all the migrant workers even today he is a hero.