• Álvaro Obregón

    Álvaro Obregón
    He was a Mexican military and politician who participated in the Mexican Revolution and was president of Mexico from December 1, 1920 to November 30, 1924
  • Period: to

    Álvaro Obregón-Obstacles

    +He was captured and almost shot by Villa
    +Democracy was more tutelary than representative
    +Obtain the United States' recognition of the post-revolutionary regime
  • Period: to

    Álvaro Obregón-Achievements

    +He started the Agrarian Reform, issuing the Ejidos Law
    ´+He was head of the division of the Constitutionalist Army and as such defeated the federals in many battles
    +In 1920 he led the Agua Prieta Rebellion against Carranza, which he intended to impose on Ignacio Bonillas as his successor.
  • Plutarco Elías Calles

    Plutarco Elías Calles
    He was a Mexican politician and military man, president of the United Mexican States in the four-year period from 1924 to 1928. A key figure in the history of Mexico, at the height of his career he was known as the "Maximum Chief of the Revolution."
  • Period: to

    Plutarco Elías Calles-Obstacles

    +He was faced with the country's problems resulting from the previous social and political movements
    +He face serious political problems caused by the Cristero war
    +He had a bad management in his government in the last two years and performed without success several jobs
  • Period: to

    Plutarco Elías Calles-Achievements

    +He created the Bank of Mexico, inaugurated on September 1, 1925
    +It established that all Mexicans could acquire land and water in any part of the country
    +Created the income tax (ISR)
  • Lázaro Cardenas

    Lázaro Cardenas
    He was a Mexican general and statesman, President of Mexico from December 1, 1934 to November 30, 1940. He highlighted, among other government actions, for the agrarian reform and the creation of "ejidos" in the Mexican agricultural sector.
  • Period: to

    Lázaro Cardenas-Achievements

    +The nationalization of the oil industry
    +Consolidated the bases of the operation of the National Revolutionary Party and its evolutionary process, through the incorporation of the great workers' centrals, towards the Party of the Mexican Revolution, antecedents of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
    +On the educational level, he created the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and the Colegio de México (ColMex).
  • Period: to

    Lázaro Cardenas-Obstacles

    +He faced an attempted coup led by General Saturnino Cedillo, with whom he tried to dialogue through his Chief of the Presidential General Staff, Colonel Ignacio M. Beteta.
    +The British severed diplomatic relations with the Cárdenas government, and Mexican oil and other goods were boycotted, despite an international ruling in favor of the Mexican government.
    +There was a sudden deterioration of the economy in 1938 that was a direct result of the oil crisis
  • Manuel Ávila Camacho

    Manuel Ávila Camacho
    was a Mexican military and politician who was President of Mexico from December 1, 1940 to November 30, 1946. He was known as the "gentleman president," a nickname he earned after compromising his word in favor of freedom of worship. in the country.
  • Period: to

    Manuel Ávila Camacho-Obstacles

    +He faced problems caused by the recent internal war and the political rivalries manifested during the electoral campaign.
    +Economic decline due to the fact that Mexico was the main supplier of the United States in raw materials.
    +He faced the conflict of wage control by which the problem of inequality in Mexico worsened
  • Period: to

    Manuel Ávila Camacho-Achievements

    +The Social Security Institute was founded
    +He promulgated a new Electoral Law (1945) that regulated the existence of political parties, created an Electoral Register Council and a Surveillance Commission, and established the requirements for party registration.
    +He introduced measures to lower the cost of living; price control of basic items and emergency salaries.
  • Miguel Alemán Valdés

    Miguel Alemán Valdés
    He was a Mexican politician and lawyer who served as President of Mexico from December 1, 1946 to November 30, 1952. His administration was characterized by the creation of the University City and the industrialization of Mexico.
  • Period: to

    Miguel Alemán Valdés-Obstacles

    +The external debt increased to 346 million dollars, because public spending increased, investments in productive areas were lacking and the government resorted to external credit.
    +Workers' policy was repressive, anti-worker.
    +There was low and scarce salary and union anti-democracy, since the government imposed “charro” leaders, that is, illegitimate and corrupt.
  • Period: to

    Miguel Alemán Valdés-Achievements

    +He granted the vote of women in municipal elections for the first time in Mexico.
    +The first facilities of the University City were inaugurated, the main headquarters of the highest house of studies in the country.
    +The country considerably increased its network of roads, railways and public works; Irrigation systems were improved and the agrarian distribution grew. Private investment was also favored, thereby increasing the rate of industrialization of the country.
  • Adolfo Ruiz Cortines

    Adolfo Ruiz Cortines
    He was an accountant, revolutionary militant and Mexican PRI politician who served as President of the United Mexican States in the six-year term from 1952 to 1958. He was the last president of Mexico born in the 19th century.
  • Period: to

    Adolfo Ruiz Cortines-Obstacles

    +He had to face the division of the group in power, crystallized in the dissent of Henríquez Guzmán, and the unpopularity caused by the Germanist government.
    +He faced the invasion, in several states of the north of the Republic, of properties (many of them latifundia) by landless peasants.
    +There was a conflict in the railroad union, which was considered very dangerous for national political stability.
  • Period: to

    Adolfo Ruiz Cortines-Achievements

    +He founded the National Savings Board.
    +He created the Rural Social Welfare Program to improve the living conditions of the country's rural population.
    +He expropriated foreign large estates in Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila, through satisfactory arrangements and rigorously covering legal compensation.
    +It established guarantee prices for crops and agricultural insurance. With these measures he achieved an increase in production and price stability.
  • Adolfo López Mateos

    Adolfo López Mateos
    He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who served as president of Mexico between 1958 and 1964. Although little is known with certainty about his origins, he was the son of Elena Mateos and was born between 1908 and 1910
  • Period: to

    Adolfo López Mateos-Obstacles

    +There was political and social discontent in the states of Morelos and Guerrero that culminated in the assassination of peasant leader Rubén Jaramillo and the imprisonment of leader Genaro Vázquez
    +Economic problems, the economy was not in a good position
    +Deficit in the trade balance
  • Period: to

    Adolfo López Mateos-Achievements

    +During his administration the ISSSTE was created
    +The National Museum of Anthropology was created.
    +The electrical industry was nationalized. His government was characterized by a policy of balance between conservative and progressive forces.
  • Gustavo Díaz Ordaz

    Gustavo Díaz Ordaz
    He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who served as President of Mexico from December 1, 1964 to November 30, 1970
  • Period: to

    Gustavo Díaz Ordaz-Obstacles

    +He ordered repression of social movements, especially student protests like the 1968 movement in Mexico.
    +A subsequent investigation was carried out that from the government of Díaz Ordaz, illegal detentions, mistreatment, torture, persecution, forced disappearances, espionage, criminalization, homicides and extrajudicial executions were carried out in order to extinguish the social movement present in Mexico City and some of the states of the republic.
  • Period: to

    Gustavo Díaz Ordaz-Achievements

    +He promoted the economic development of Mexico, followed the model of "stabilizing development." The national GDP maintained a growth of between 6 and 8%, and inflation remained at low levels at 2.7%
    +The largest international sporting events in the country were held, the 1968 Mexico Olympic Games and the 1970 Soccer World Cup.