Canadian Imigration

  • Apr 14, 1492

    Columbus sails to America

    Columbus sails to America
    In 1914 Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic ocean to find India only to "dicover" America.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabbot claims new world territory for England

    John Cabbot claims new world territory for England
    John Cabbot was the second sailer looking for India to "disover" America. After his first arrival he claimed either Newfoundland or Cape Breton Island for the English.
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Jacques Cartier claims land for France

    Jacques Cartier claims land for France
    Jacques Cartier, claims land for france on the Gasped Peninsula.
  • Champlain founds Quebec

    Champlain founds Quebec
    Sponsored by King Henry IV, Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec City on July 3.
  • Champlain starts was with the Iroquois

    Champlain starts was with the Iroquois
    Champlain made an alliance with the huron and other native tribes, and while doing this they demanded that Champlain and the french help with there war agains the Iriqiuos.
  • Henry hudson discovers Hudsons Bay

    Henry hudson discovers Hudsons Bay
    On Henry Hudsons trip to the Americas he took the northern route around Greenland and down the east coast of Canada to find and map all of Hudsons Bay, only to be cast off by his crew.
  • Samuel de Champlain is named the Governor of New France

    Samuel de Champlain is named the Governor of New France
  • The first Roman Catholics try to assimulate the Natives

    The first Roman Catholics try to assimulate the Natives
  • Champlian dies in Quebec at 65

    Champlian dies in Quebec at 65
    Samuel de Champlain suffers a severe stroke
  • Iroquois sign lasting peace treaty with New France

    Iroquois sign lasting peace treaty with New France
    Iroquois sign lasting peace treaty with New France after a long lastig war
  • Batlle of The Plains of Abraham

    Batlle of The Plains of Abraham
    The battle of the plains of Abraham was faught between the French and the Brittish durung the seven years war. The battle was faught just outside of the walls of Quebec. THere were less then 10000 troops iin the battle and it only lasted about 15 minutes before the brittisdh surrendured.
  • Montreal and New France surrender to the Brittish

    Montreal and New France surrender to the Brittish
    The Brittish were on rout to invade New France and Montreal but to avoid blood shed the French surrendured.
  • Period: to

    The Building of the Canadian Pacific Railway

    In 1880 the Canadian government recruited a bunch of Chinese immagrants to build the railraod. The railroad was started in 1881 and the last spike was driven at Craigellachie, British Columbia in November 16 1885
  • Louis Reil was hung

    Louis Reil was hung
    In regina Saskatuwan on November !6 1885 the same day the Canadian Pacific Railway was finshed, Louis Reil was hung for treason.
  • World War One Starts

    World War One Starts
    World War One also known as "The Great War" started on this date. Although Canada was not dragged into the waruntil augest 4th it is still a major part iof Canadian history.