Canadian/American History

  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. lawrence river

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. lawrence river
    The King sent Jacque Cartier on a voyage to find a water way from france to asia in search of Gold and Spices. Jacque Cartier did not find asia but instead sailed the St Lawrence River and came to the land that is now Known as Canada. The St Lawrence River which then held easy access to Quebec.
  • Quebec City was founded

    Quebec City was founded
    In 1608 Samuel De Champlain Set out across the ocean to found the First French Colony in Acadia. Samuel De Champlain Was the government of this new area. Not only did Champlain found the first French Colony but he also founded the first European colony in North America
  • Hudsons Bay CO.

    Hudsons Bay CO.
    The company of 100 associates/Hudsons bay company was founded and also received a Royal Charter in London.
  • Treaty Of Utrecht

    Treaty Of Utrecht
    Aprill 11th 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht was signed in the Netherlands ending the War of Spanish Succession. This gave France some losses to give up to the British including Acadia and the French lost control of the Hudson bay and were no longer allowed to continue their trading.
  • Expulsion of the Acadians

    Expulsion of the Acadians
    During the Expulsion of the Acadians nearly 10000 were forced to leave to either France, Britain or New Orleans If they refused to assimilate to the British Culture. Acadia was located in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI)
  • 7 Years War

    7 Years War
    In 1754 a giant war broke out between between France, Austria and Russia against Britain and Prussia in different parts of the world. It was mainly the British against the French. The French and the British mostly fought in India, Europe and North America. The French lost this war and gave up all of Quebec and Acadia to the British. It is called the 7 years war because the conflict mainly occurred between 1756 and 1763 even though it started in 1754.
  • The Royal Proclomation

    The Royal Proclomation
    Issued by King George the ||| the Royal Proclamation was used to officially claim British territory in North America. It also ended the 7 years war and the British claimed Victory. The Royal Proclamation was also used to set out guidelines for the European Settlement.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    Between these two periods the American Colonists were taxed by the British King. They were taxed because the king needed to make money for the losses in the 7 years war. Their were several acts that taxed the Colonists that included The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, The Townshend Acts, The Tea Act, The Boston Tea Party and The Intolerable Acts. These acts made the Colonists Furious and so they decided to start a war to fight against the British
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was passed through the British Parliament giving the Quebecois their way of life they had before the War. The Quebec Act gave the French their own religion back let them Govern themselves and gave them the Seigneurial System back
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary war

    After being taxed so much the Americans got so furious that they decided to start a war. The war began in 1775 and ended in 1783. The americans had won a war that declared independence for them and they were now their own nation.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    On July 4th 1776 in Pennsylvania the Declaration of Independence was signed, declaring that the Thirteen Colonies were their own nation and that they were no longer under British command and they had the rights to now Govern themselves
  • The Treaty Of Paris (2)

    The Treaty Of Paris (2)
    The revolutionary War ended on April 15th 1783 although the Treaty of paris was signed on September 3rd 1783, bringing the Revolutionary War to its Final Conclusion. The Treaty of Paris also recognized Americas Independence