Canada Until 1774

  • Period: 30,000 BCE to 5000 BCE

    Natives Settle Into Canada

    Native peoples from Asia migrate to modern day Canada and set up trade and settlements
  • 1497

    First European Explorer to Land In Canada

    John Cabot made landing in modern day Newfoundland and claimed it for England
  • 1530

    The European Fur Trade Begins

    Jacques Cartier conducts some of the earliest trading for furs with natives.
  • European Settlement

    Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec as a French Settlement
  • Hudson Bay Company is Formed

    The English Hudson Bay Company is formed and creates a monopoly with trade in the region
  • Peace Between French and Natives

    After years of conflict, the French finalize peace treaties with the Iroquois.
  • The 7 Years War Begins

    Conflict between French and British colonial forces quickly escalates into a world war.
  • Expulsion of the Acadians

    Settlers in "Acadia", (the modern day maritime provinces) are deported to Europe and the 13 colonies
  • The 7 Years War Ends

    France is defeated and cedes its territory of New France to Britain.
  • Quebec Law Enacted

    The Quebec Law protected French culture, it established French civil law, British criminal law, freedom of worship for Roman Catholics, government by appointed council