Period: 324 to 337
Constantine “The Great”
He was Born at Naissus in 272 and he died on the 22 of May of 337 when he has 65. His major achievements were that he brought Christianity to the empire and that he re-founded the city of Byzantium as "New Rome", known as Constantinople. -
Period: 379 to 395
Theodosius “The Great”
He was born on the 11 of January of the year 347 in
Coca, modern Spain and he died on January 17 of the year 395 at the age of 48. His major achievements were that he ended with the Goths and the barbarians and also that he defeated the usurpers, Magnus Maximus in 387-388. -
Period: 610 to 641
He was born in the year 575 in Cappadocia, modern Turkey and he died on February 11, 641 when he was 65 years old. His major achievements were that he established the Greek language in the empire and also that he improved the royal administration of the empire because thanks to that the empire got more organized and stronger. -
Period: 627 to 565
Justinian “The Great”
He was born in the year 482 in Tauresium, Dardania and he died on November 14 of the year 565 at the age of 83. His major achievements were that he built Ed that Hagia Sophia and that was a very important icon for religion and also que made a se of laws called the Justinian Law -
Period: 797 to 802
She was born in the year 752 in Athens and she died on August 9 of the year 803 at the age of 51. She was the first women to rule on the Byzantine empire. Her major achievements were that she restored the use of icons and that’s why she is known as a Saint of the Eastern Orthodox church. Also she put end to the rebellion with Constantine and that made her rule more years. -
Period: 976 to 1025
Basil ll
He was born in the year 958 in Constantinople and he died the 15 December 1025 at the age of 66. His major achievements were that he deserted Samuel of Bulgaria by blinding his army and also he also did a series of successful campaigns against the Kingdom of Georgia. He created The trebuchet and that helped him defeat the Bulgars. -
Period: 1028 to 1050
She was born in the year 978 in Constantinople and she died on the 11 of June of the year 1050 at the age of 72. Her major achievement was that she kept the empire strong. -
Period: 1042 to 1056
She was born in the year 980 in Constantinople and she died the 31 of August of the year 1056 when she had 75 years old. Her major achievements were that he organized the Justinian's forces, and she saved the Byzantine empire from collapse. Also she created laws that would protect and empower women.