
  • Recollection

    His recollection of the event that happened twenty years ago allowed him remember how to complete the puzzle. Recollection
    a memory; something remembered or recalled Synonym- Remember.
  • Profound

    His Profound explanation of the meaning of the world changed my life. Profound
    intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge Synonym- Intense.
  • Prestige

    The conference meeting was prestige for his advancement into the election. Prestige
    status or influence; importance based on reputation Synonym- Importance
  • Sheepish

    The sheepish boy always fail his group assignments, seeing that he was too scared to talk to his group members. Sheepish
    shy; bashful synonym- repressed.
  • Serenely

    The serenely forest allowed my mind to drift until i blacked out, sleep. Serenely
    peacefully and calmly synonym- serenity,tranquillity
  • Avert

    Matthew averted from all negativity because he believed that negativity would bring him bad luck. Avert
    turn away synonym- avoid
  • Hasty

    His hasty moment and thinking allowed him to escape from the maze before it collapsed. Hasty
    hurried and rush synonym- rushed, fast.
  • Indolence

    His indolence annoyed everyone that depended on him. Indolence
    laziness Synonym- idleness, sloth
  • Unnerving

    The unnerving moment when his mom walked in on him playing games when she told him not to until she came home, left him scared to death. Unnerving
    unsettling and upsetting synonym- disturbing.
  • Requisitioned

    He requisitioned that his mom listen to his side of the story before she made her decision. Requisitioned
    to demand or take synonym- order, request
  • Unnerving

    The unnerving moment when his mom walked in on him playing games when she told him not to until she came home, left him scared to death. Unnerving
    unsettling and upsetting synonym- disturbing.
  • Conspicuous

    The flower was conspicuous, among all the other yellow flowers it was red. Conspicuous
    noticeable; easy to see Synonym- clear, visible, detectable.
  • Self-consciously

    Self-consciously he when into the bathroom to check his face after the girls were laughing beside him. Self-consciously
    uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed synonym- shy
  • Tentatively

    He tentatively told his father the truth about what he had really done. Tentatively
    uncertainly and hesitantly synonym- hesitantly
  • Torrent

    The water torrent swept the people away with quick speed. Torrent
    swift-flowing stream of something synonym- flood
  • Obsolete

    His presence in the auditorium was obsolete, see that he had nothing to do. Obsolete
    no longer useful synonym- useless
  • Unwieldy

    The unwieldy object took seven tries to get down the stairs. Unwieldy
    difficult to carry or handle synonym- unmanageable
  • Wincing

    As he was about to get hit by the bully he made a wincing movement Wincing
    shrinking back involuntarily synonym- flinch
  • Fretful

    The situation the boy was left in, made his family fretful for his life. Fretful
    uneasy or distressed Synonym- tense
  • Admonition

    He was careful of the words he said next, because he recalled his admonition that he would be dealing with some dangerous people. Admonition
    warning synonym- forewarning, caution.
  • Relinquished

    The lawyer relinquished his case seeing that he knew that his client was a mass murderer. Relinquished
    gave up or let go synonym- renounce