
Buck's Adventures

  • Judge Miller's place

    Judge Miller's place
    Buck lived in a big house Santa Clara Valley owned by his master Judge Miller
  • Buck gets taken

    Buck gets taken
    Buck is stolen by one of Miller's gardeners workers, Manuel, and then sold to a stranger.
  • The man in the red sweater

    The man in the red sweater
    After Buck was sold he was packed up and put on a train to be sold once again to a man in a red sweater. This man fiercely beat him with a club when he was taken off the train and unpacked.
  • The man with the broken english

    The man with the broken english
    Buck was then sold again to a man named Perrault and his friend Francois, Perrault spoke broken English, and Francois was a French man
  • The new sled dog on the team

    The new sled dog on the team
    Buck was then made a sled dog by Perrault and Francois, where he was forced to adapt to his new way of life, Buck met a crude dog on the sled team named Spitz, Spitz was the lead dog on the sled team.
  • The new leader

    The new leader
    After months of conflict with Spitz, Buck and Spitz got into a fight to the death, buck emerged victorious. Buck became the new head dog.
  • The bigger team

    The bigger team
    After months with Perrault and Francois, Buck and some of his team are put on a bigger mail dog sled team, where Buck and his old team are forced to pull the sled without any proper breaks.
  • The incompetent new owners

    The incompetent new owners
    After pulling a heavy sled for hundreds of miles, Buck along with several other dogs were sold to a married couple. Charles, Mercedes, and Hal (Mercedes brother) had never been taught the proper way to treat or handle sled dogs. Buck and the other dog were under fed and over worked by their new incompetent owners.
  • Buck's knight in shining armor

    Buck's knight in shining armor
    Buck was tired and very weak when they came a cross a lake covered by thin ice. Buck had a horrible feeling and refused to cross the icy waters, Charles began to beat Buck into submission when a man named John Thornton stopped him from beating Buck.
  • The recovery

    The recovery
    After John Thornton saved Buck from Charles's wrath he took possession of Buck. John brought Buck to the deck to rest and as Buck was lying there he could see the couple, Hal, and his old team fall through the ice never to be seen again.
  • The Big Bet

    The Big Bet
    Buck and John become best friends. In a bar bet John wagers a $1600 that Buck can break out and pull a 1000 pound sled 100 yards. Buck wins this wager which allows John and his partner to travel East in search of the Fabled lost mine.
  • The death of a dear friend

    The death of a dear friend
    Buck, hearing the call of the wild, has been venturing into the wilderness to run with a wild wolf. Remembering John, he returns to the camp to find Indians celebrating and all of his friends dead, including John.
  • Revenge

    When Buck saw the Indians celebrating, he couldn't control his rage. He began to attack and kill the Indians, when they started running into the forest Buck chased them to take out more. When he was finished he returned to camp to lay where John Thornton fell.
  • Acceptance

    As Buck sat there he saw a pack of wolfs come into the camp, they also saw Buck and started to surround him, they lunged at him but with no success. Buck, through his experiences and natural instinct, had become a great survivor. Sensing this, the leader of the wild dogs accepted Buck into the pack. The people there started to see a new breed of timber wolves over the years.