First day of school
He got ready to run at his dad's farm he pretends that there was a gun bang then he took off flying around the cow feild -
He had to do everything, picking up stuff, and help his mom can beans because his two sisters hadn't been home yet. -
Jess is drawing in Ms. Myers's class and then jess got mad that she was trying to look at his title for his drawing. -
The kids are running a race and jess was the last heat he watched all the other kids as it got intense -
The Final Race
Jess got beat by a girl named Leslie. "She came in first and turned her large shining eyes on a bunch of dumb sweating-mad faces." -
Jess likes Leslie and they have their own little land called Terabithia. "Terabithia was their secret, which was good a good thing. " -
Jess was having a hard time picking out a Christmas present for Leslie -
"There was no mistake the delight in Leslie´s eyes. She dropped to her knees on the cold ground, picked up the puppy up, and held it close to her face." -
The Perkins Place
"Mr. Burke had begun to repair the old Perkins place but Mrs.Burke was in the middle of writing a book so that left Leslie the jobs of hunting and fetching ." -
The Golden Room
Jess and Leslie remolded there room in Terabithia. They haven't been to terabitia in a while together. -
May bell
Maybell nows where they go now. -
They are getting ready to go to church and this is one of the few times they go because mamma got mad at the preacher 3 years back. -
The rain
The rain felt different and it wasn't normal to them They kept going back Wednesday and Thursday but is was still raining something wasn't right. -
The perfect day
Jess was having the perfect day he got up and started his day. -
Painting and drawing
Jess was drunk with colors he was so happy. Painting and drawing every ting he could think of. -
Leslie died because of the rope that they go across the creek with it snapped and the high water took her away. -
Rock bottom
Jess is now talking to himself because he lost his best friend and is saying no that she didn't die because he is that sad. -
Jess went to Leslie funeral at her house and threw all his/her art into the water. -
Back to Normal
He wants to get back to normal and do all his chores like milk the cow. -
The Bridge
He is rebuilding the bridge to Terabithia for when Maybell needs a place to go