Brian's Timeline

  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Brian boards a single engine bush plane that is departing from New York and is landing somewhere in the Canadian wilderness. Brian is flying to the Canadian wilderness because he is visiting his dad. During the flight, the pilot starts having shoulder pains and bad, smelly gas. The pilot's shoulder pains, and gas escalated to him having a heart attack. Since Brian had no experience flying a plane, he used the last bit of gas left in the plane and flew it into the water.
  • Shelter

    Brian finds himself in the Canadian wilderness, not knowing where to go or even where he is. He needed to build a shelter. Brian started looking around and found a cave looking shelter. It was perfect because it provided shade in the hot weather.
  • Brian's first food

    Brian's first food
    Brian needed food. He tried drinking water because he thought it would help with his hunger. But it just made it worse. Now he needs food even more. He started to walk around and look for some berries. While he was walking, he came across some birds eating berries. They were half the size of a grape, and they were bright red in colour. Without any hesitation Brian ran to the bush and started stuffing the grapes in his mouth, eating as much as he can.
  • Bear encounter

    Bear encounter
    As Brian was picking some raspberries, he heard a noise coming from behind him. He turned around and saw a huge black bear. It did not attack him; it just studied him and went to pick some berries. Even though the bear did not attack Brian, he still felt the need to run away. He then stopped running to realise that there was no point of running away because the bear was not going to do anything to him.
  • Porcupine Attack

    Porcupine Attack
    During the night Brian heard a brushing sound near his feet. He thought it was the bear coming to attack him, so he kicked it and threw his Hatchet to the sound, but it missed and hit a wall creating a shower of sparks. Brian instantly felt a pain in his legs as if a hundred needles were driven into it. Brian waited for the attacker to leave and once it did, he brushed his hand against his leg to feel a group of needles sticking out of his calf.
  • Brian's first fire

    Brian's first fire
    Brian found out that he could create a fire by hitting his hatchet on the walls of his cave. So, Brian tried to make a fire by doing so and trying to catch the flame on twigs, dried grass and ripped up money but none of them caught fire. Brian then remembered that to create a fire he needed some source of oxygen. Brian then took some twigs and hit the hatchet on the wall but this time he blew air onto the sparks of fire. The twigs lit up and Brian finally had a fire.
  • The first fish

    The first fish
    When Brian saw a bird holding a fish in its mouth, he got the idea to go and try to catch some fish as another source of food. Brian created a spear out of some wood but after hours of no success he thought that it would be much easier if he had a bow. Brian carves a bow out of some wood and uses his spear and bow to try and catch a fish. With both the bow and spear Brian caught a fish and finally had another source of food.
  • Another plane

    Another plane
    While picking some berries Brian hears the engine of a plane approaching him. He drops everything to go back and get his fire to signal the plane. Unfortunately, Brian was too late, and the plane did not see him.
  • Moose attack

    Moose attack
    While Brian was hunting for some fool birds he got attacked by a moose. Brian tried to escape many times but every time he did, he just got rammed in the stomach again. Brian waited for the moose to leave and once he made sure it did, he went to go retrieve his ‘’hunting gear’’.
  • Tornado

    One night Brian is awakened by a loud noise that sounds like a train. Brian looks outside to find a tornado approaching him. Brian was helpless and the tornado destroyed everything that Brian had built. Even though all his stuff that he had worked so hard to build got ruined, Brian was still determined to fix it.
  • Survival pack

    Survival pack
    One night Brian is awakened by a loud noise that sounds like a train. Brian looks outside to find a tornado approaching him. Brian was helpless and the tornado destroyed everything that Brian had built. Even though all his stuff that he had worked so hard to build got ruined, Brian was still determined to fix it.
  • Brian's rescue

    Brian's rescue
    Brian found an emergency transmitter inside the survival pack. He turns it on, and a plane gets a signal where Brian is and comes to rescue him. When Brian arrived at his house, he was a changed man and was thankful for his days in the wilderness.