Brayan Garcia

  • Sep 20, 1519

    Around the World

    Around the World
    Ferdinand Magallan a sea capitan left the country of spain with five ships to set a journey around the world , thre years later one of magellan;s ships returned to spain, it was the first time a ship sailed arount the world. they arrived by september , 5 , 1522
  • Capitol Building

    Capitol Building
    the first president of the united states , george washington laid the cornerstone of the capitol building.
  • The battle of lake erie

    The battle of lake erie
    olive perry did something that no other person had done , he defeated the british navy. the defeat of thr battle of lake erie was the first tim in britains history that one of its fleet had surrendered
  • the Star-Spangled Banner

    the Star-Spangled Banner
    the the Star-Spangled Banner , the national anthem of the united states, was written by francis scott key. key worte the anthem while watching the british navy bomb fort McHenry was a united fort he protected the city of baltimore, maryland.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    jasse james become a bank robber, he gained reputation being a "Robin Hood", a person who robbed the rich to give to the poor. in 1881 , the governer of Missouri offered a 5,000 reward for the caputure of jesse james or frank james , also
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    in 1889, Jane Addams opened Hull house. it was the first settlement house in america.
  • William Sydney

    William Sydney
    porter did alot of his writing in prison, he was prisioner number 30664 at ohio prision in colombus for three year.As a writer he become famous for his surprising endings. he was a master at crating an ending to a story that no one expected.
  • James Garfield

    James Garfield
    president Garfield was Shot on july 2 1881 at a railroad station in washington D.C the doctors couldnt find the bullet in his boddy so they had to call in Alexander Graham bell , he was the inventor of the telephone & he also invented a divice that can find metal .
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    George Eastman created first film camara named "Kodak"
  • Queenberry boxing rules began

    Queenberry boxing rules began
    first boxing match fought with Queenberry rules .queenberry rules made boxing safer
  • First Gasoline Automobile

    First Gasoline Automobile
    the first american-made , gasoline powered automobile was taken on a test drive. during the 1890.s the automobiles in the united states were so new that they were shown in circuses.
  • First Plane tragedy

    First Plane tragedy
    in 1908 the army became intrested in the airplane as a weapon of war , at the time the airplane was a new invention.
  • Black Sox Scandal

    Black Sox Scandal
    chicago white soz baseball team admitted that they had thrwon the 1919 world series. the chicago team was thought to be a better team then all of the other teams .
  • James Earl Carter Jt

    James Earl Carter Jt
    james become better known as jimmy carter the 39th president of the united states. before he become president carter was elected to the senate in georgia
  • Jim Henson

    Jim Henson
    jim was the creator of the muppets, he created them for a television show .in the late 1960's when sesame street was being planned the creator of the show belived that jim henson and his puppets, the show would be a success
  • Nixon-Kennedy Debate

    Nixon-Kennedy Debate
    in chicago the first presidential election debate was on all mejor tekevision networks. with six weeks to go before the 1960 presidential election , 60 millon americans turned their television sets
  • Warren Commission

    Warren Commission
    the warrer commision was set up by president lyndon B. Johnson to look into the assassination of president john F Kennedy.
  • Sandra day o'connor

    Sandra day o'connor
    sandra became the first woman to serve as an associate justice on supreme court of the united states, before joining the supreme court, sandra had private law practice in phoenix arizona. she was nominated to the supreme court by presidant ronald regean.
  • Jesse ownens

    Jesse ownens
    as a young man, he was the fastest human. in the summer of 1936, jesse and 327 others athletes were sent to be in the olympic games .it was at those games were he become famouse, he won a record breaking four gold medals.