Boy in the striped pajama

  • Arrives at Auschwitz

    Arrives at Auschwitz
    When Bruno arrives at Auschwitz, he doesn't feel any connection of home or safeness because of the big gates, fences and guards everywhere.
  • Bruno falls off the swing

    Bruno falls off the swing
    After Bruno builds his swing, he falls off the swing and has a cut on his knee. Pavol the maid and gardener scoops him off the floor and band-aid on it. When his mom comes home, she has the guards beat him up.
  • Bruno finds Shmuel

    Bruno finds Shmuel
    Bruno remembers he had fun exploring back in Berlin but the backyard is off limits but that doesnt stop Bruno from exploring. Bruo follows a long fence seems to never end until he finds Shmuel. They talk for a while and everyday from there he comes back and gives Shmuel food
  • Bruno and his Sister are homeschooled

    Bruno and his Sister are homeschooled
    Bruno's dad hires a teacher during the days and he teaches normal subject and how the Jews are evil monsters. Grettle is now convinced that she hates jews but Bruno is confused.
  • Dinner

    When the family is eating dinner, Pavol is serving them wine but gets a drop on lieutenant Kotler. Kotler gets angry and beats up Pavol for it which makes Bruno cry.
  • Bruno finds Shmuel in the Kitchen

    Bruno finds Shmuel in the Kitchen
    pAs Bruno is about to read a book, he heads to the kitchen and finds Shmuel cleaning wine glasses. He goes on and Bruno offers Shmuel something to eat but he refuses. Bruno then says that he needs to eat and Lieutenant Kotler come here but as soon as Shmuel is chewing the food, Kotler arrives. He asks why Shmuel is eating and if Bruno knew him but Bruno says he has never seen him before. Kotler appreciates the answer and tells Shmuel they will talk when they get back tot the camp
  • Bruno and Gretel

    Bruno and Gretel
    Bruno asks Gretel who those people are across the fence. She says that they are Jews and the fence it to separate them from Germans
  • Brunos mom wants out

    Brunos mom wants out
    Bruno's mom has mixed negative feelings of Auschwitz and wants to go back to Berlin. She tells Dad that it was his duty to come here, and not ours. In the same night, Dad tells them if they want to come back to home
  • Bruno helps find Shmuels dad

    Bruno helps find Shmuels dad
    Bruno make his final appearance with Shmuel and dangerously goes under the fence with him. After putting on a pair of striped pajamas, they set off on their first and final adventure. After a while, they couldnt find his dad so they went in a small house wiht a lot of people inside. They are the gathered and marched towards a concrete and metal chamber where Bruno and Shmuel are found holding hands. And that was the last time bruno was seen
  • Strange dissapearance

    Strange dissapearance
    Bruno's family is left with nothing but memory and a set of clothes of when he went under the fence. His mother and Gretel stay a few months, hoping Bruno would come back but there was no signs. They return back to Berlin and Bruno's dad stays at Auschwitz