Black history project

  • Birth date

    Birth date
    Trayvon Martin was born on February 5,1995 in Florida.
  • Parenthood

    In 1999, Trayvon parents divorced. His mother was a single parent. When Martin was nine years old he saved his father from death. He pulled his father who had been immobilized by burns to his legs , out a fire in their apartment.
  • Martin's Education

    Martin's Education
    At the time of the shooting Martin was attending Dr. Micheal M. Krop Highschool. Krop was a magnet school. He took english honor class there. He played football most of his years but when he started highschool his goal of professional football was set aside. He began to focus on airplanes for a career of being a pilot. Before his death he was starting to have trouble at school with getting suspended.
  • Death Date

    Death Date
    Trayvon Martin was shot and killed on February 26,2012.
  • Before his funeral

    Before his funeral
    More than 1000 people attended the viewing of remains before Trayvons funeral.
  • Walkout for Martin

    Walkout for Martin
    Hundreds of students at his highschool had a walkout at his school in support of him. On the field they created a T and M. As they march they chanted "what do we want"? Justice "when do we want it " now".
  • Justice for Trayvon

    Justice for Trayvon
    Trayvon Martin's death sparked a movement for gun violence. There was protest , marches and more. People in the crowds weared hoodies and ate skittles just as Martin did the night of his death. On March 23, 2012 ,Obama stated in a interview "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.
  • #Blacklivesmatter

    2013 three radical black organizors created the #blacklivesmatter due to Trayvons Martins death.
  • Muesem

    A black history muesem in Sanford was dedicated to Trayvon Martin.
  • Trayvon Martin foundation

    Trayvon Martin foundation
    A justice foundation was established for Trayvon.
  • Trayvon Martin book

    Trayvon Martin book
    His mom Sybrina Fulton and Father Tracy Martin wrote a book called Rest in power: The enduring life of Trayvon . The book was to explain Trayvon's life and story.
  • Our life today

    Our life today
    Martins death influence our life today because if it wasnt for his tragic death there wouldve never been any protest ,marches, the #blacklivematter and more. Those protest and others have changed life today because most likely there would've been more gun violence then it already is.