
  • Apr 20, 1502

    Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Atahualpa was born in 1502 March 20th
    When he was older his dad died from smallpox and he never chose the one ruler.
  • 1528


    He was the ultimate leader he wore gold and silver. He also ate and drank off of golden silverwear.
  • 1529

    Coming to the Land

    The Spanish Conquistadors were some of the first men to travel to the new world. They got their name from being both conquerors and explorers. Pizarro explored much of the west coast of South America. In 1532 he conquered the great Incan Empire of Peru and killed the last Incan Emperor, Atahualpa.
  • Period: 1529 to 1532

    The civil war

    Atahualpa was apart of a civil war between his brother. He won the civil war but it took him 6 years and didn't even have time to celebrate. There was a sivil war becuase his father died before he could decide who would be the ruler. It lasted from 1529, and lasted until 1532.
  • 1530

    Gold and Silver

    Atahualpa was best known for keeping a room full of gold and silver. Atahualpa’s safe return to his people would only happen if a room measuring 6.2 x 4.8 meters were filled with all the treasures the Incas could provide up to a height of 2.5 m.
  • 1530

    The extent

    1530 The Inca empire reaches its greatest extent. 1532 Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors arrive in South America. 1533 CE: The Inca leader Atahualpa is executed.
  • 1533


    Battle of Cajamarca where the Inca leader Atahualpa is captured and held for ransom by Spanish forces led by Pizarro.
  • 1533


    He died on July 26, 1533. The Spanish killed him rate after a victory.
    His killer was Francisco Pizarro.
  • 1533

    How he died

    He died on July 26, 1533. The Spanish killed him rate after a victory.
    His killer was Francisco Pizarro.
  • 1539

    When it all ended.

    When it all ended.
    Atahualpa was not able to get married. And they weren't able to marry their sisters. So he never got married. After he got captured the Inca empire was destroyed. 1539 is when the Inca empire really died because they were killed from the dezizes that the English brought over.