Virginia Woolf was born on January 25, 1882 -
Professional writing
Woolf began writing professionally in 1905, initially for the times literary supplement with a piece of journalism on hawaorth. -
His first nobel
His first novel, End of Journey, was published in 1915,In this novel, the writer already shows a willingness to break the previous national schemes, but she hardly deserved consideration by the critics -
Interwar period
Woolf was a figure for the London literary society and members of the Bloomsbury group, one of the works that he published at that time was "Mrs. Dalloway" -
His last work
Woolf's last work, Between Acts (1941), summarizes his main concerns: the transformation of life through art, sexual ambivalence, and reflection on themes of the flow of time and life. It is the most lyrical of his books, written mainly in verse. -
Day of his death
Virginia suffered from a mental illness today known as bipolar disorder. After finishing the manuscript of his last novel Between Acts, Woolf suffered a depression similar to the one he had previously suffered. The outbreak of the Second World War, the destruction of his London home during the Blitz and the cold reception that his biography of his friend Roger Fry received worsened his condition until he was unable to work.On March 28, 1941 Woolf committed suicide.