100 BCE
Julius Caesar Was Born
He was named after his father, his mom was named Aurelia and his 2 older sisters were named Julia. He was of noble blood, so he was a Patrician. His family said that they were related directly from the Goddess of love, Venus. He had to be fostered really well to get to the positions he got to. -
87 BCE
Becomes The High Priest Of Jupiter
It also is called Flamen Dialis. Caesar Had to marry a woman of noble birth and his hair cut with only a bronze knife. The cut hair had to be buried as well -
84 BCE
Caesar Marries His First Wife, Cornelia
He married the daughter of Cinna, the consul of the city of Rome, the capital of Italy. -
80 BCE
Caesar Battles The Mithridates In Asia
He is rewarded the corona civica, or civic crown, for his oustanding bravery in the battle -
75 BCE
Caesar Gets Captured By Cilician Pirates
When he got captured him, he wasn't even that angry, because he knew that he would get rescued because he was very important and he was reputable. It would take a more to ignite his anger. -
69 BCE
Caesar's Wife, Cornelia, and His Aunt, Julia, Die
He was elected as quaestor before they had died, and he still moved to Spain. -
63 BCE
Caesar Campaigns For the Highest Position In Rome
When he did, he won the position Pontifex maximus ( a massive responsibility) -
61 BCE
Caesar Appointed for Governor of Spain
As governor, he could collect taxes and steal from rebellious cities. -
59 BCE
Caesar is Elected as Co-consul of Rome
He was first place in the election and Bibulus came in second. They became co-consuls of Rome -
58 BCE
Caesar Becomes Governor of Three Roman Provinces
When he was promoted, he wanted to conquer Gaul and won. He also fought other cities, like Greece -
55 BCE
Caesar Crosses The Rhine Into Germany
The Germans messed with their friend and he taught them to not do it again by building a bridge out of his handicraft. Also, He becomes the first Roman general to to travel to Britain -
52 BCE
Caesar Defeats Vercingetorix At Alesia
Vercingetorix tries to make him surrender but Caesar get Vercingetorix cornered -
49 BCE
Caesar Crosses the Rubicon and Starts a Civil War
When he crosses, He yells "The die is cast!" and wins against Pompey's army in Greece -
48 BCE
Caesar Travels to Egypt and meets Cleopatra
Cleopatra met him by rolling into a rug because the guards wouldn't let her go meet him -
47 BCE
Caesar Defeats the Army of Ptolemy XIII
Also, he names Cleopatra queen of Egypt, and she has a baby -
44 BCE
Caesar Dies After Becoming Dictator for Life
He was stabbed to death on March 15, the Ides of March. The people who stabbed him were senators that called themselves the liberators