Bible Timeline

  • 1075 BCE

    Saul Becomes King

    Saul Becomes King
    Saul is elected by the people to become the first king of Israel.
  • 1025 BCE

    David is Annointed King

    David is Annointed King
    Since Saul was stripped of his right to be king, David was anointed the next King.
  • 1025 BCE

    Saul's family line stripped of royalty

    Saul's family line stripped of royalty
    After a battle with the Amalekites, Saul did not obey God and kill all of them. This caused his family not to be royal any longer
  • 1024 BCE

    David and Goliath

    David and Goliath
    David kills Goliath in a battle against the Philistines
  • 1024 BCE

    Jonathan Helps David

    Jonathan Helps David
    Jonathan warns David that Saul is angry at him
  • 1024 BCE

    Jonathan Gives David his armor and clothes

  • 1023 BCE

    David Doesn't Kill Saul

    David Doesn't Kill Saul
    David sees Saul in a cave. He could kill him but instead he cuts off a piece of Saul's garment to show him that he is loyal to him.
  • 1010 BCE

    Solomon is Born

  • 1007 BCE

    Jonathan and Saul die in battle

    While David is on the run, Jonathan and Saul fight the Philistines and die
  • 1006 BCE

    David and Bethsheba

    David kills Urriah for Bethsheba
  • 993 BCE

    David and Absalom

    Absalom is Davids rebellious son.
  • 992 BCE

    Absalom Dies

    Absalom gets his long hair stuck in a tree
  • 960 BCE

    Solomon and the Baby

    Solomon and the Baby
    Solomon showed off his wisdom with babies
  • 930 BCE

    Rehoboam goes into a Civil War

    Rehoboam taxed the people harder making a revolt.
  • 930 BCE

    Reheboam Consults help

    Rehoboam asks the older counsel for advice but then ditches it for the younger ones
  • 929 BCE

    Jeraboam Sets Up a Alter in the North

    Jeroboam set up an alter to lead the people away from Rehoboam.
  • 925 BCE

    Israel Splits

    After the Civil War the nation divides with Rehoboam in the South and Jeroboam in the North
  • 868 BCE

    Jehoshaphat Appoints Judges

  • 868 BCE

    Johashaphat Builds Fortified Cities

    He builds cities around his country
  • 867 BCE

    Johashaphat Goes to War with Ahab

    He goes to war with Ahab and Ahab dies
  • 855 BCE

    Mt. Caremal

    Elijah and King Ahab duel over whose God is real.
  • 854 BCE

    Ahab steals Naboths Vineyard

    Ahab wants a vineyard so he kills the man that own it.
  • 853 BCE

    Ahab goes to War

    Ahab goes to War
  • 853 BCE

    Ahab dies.

    Ahab dies and his blood is drank by the dogs
  • 849 BCE

    Jehoram kills all of his brothers

    Jehoram followed after the ways of Ahab. Ahab's daughter was his wife
  • 849 BCE

    Elisha Succeeds Elijah

    Elijah is taken up to heaven so Elisha succeeds him
  • 845 BCE

    Elisha Gives Oil to a Widow

  • 843 BCE

    Elisha Raises a Dead Boy

  • 840 BCE

    Johashaphat Goes to War

    He goes to war and doesn't have to fight
  • Period: 814 BCE to 798 BCE

    Jehoahaz Reigns

  • Period: 801 BCE to 786 BCE

    Joash Reign

  • Period: 796 BCE to 767 BCE

    Amaziah Reigns

  • Period: 791 BCE to 739 BCE

    Azariah Reigns

    At the end of his life he had leprosy. His son was Jotham. King of Judah.
  • Period: 786 BCE to 746 BCE

    Jeroboam 2 reigns

    King of Judah
  • Period: 746 BCE to 745 BCE

    Zechariah Reigns

    Zechariah reigns and was assassinated.
  • 745 BCE

    Shallam Reigns

    He assassinated Zechariah and then was assassinated.
  • Period: 745 BCE to 736 BCE

    Menahem reigns

    Menahem was evil. he was the king of Israel.
  • Period: 742 BCE to 735 BCE

    Jotham reigns

    rebuilt the upper gate of the temple
  • 740 BCE

    Pekah reigns

    King of Judah. evil
  • Period: 732 BCE to 731 BCE

    Pekahiah Reigns

    Pekahiah was evil. He reigned over Israel.
  • Period: 715 BCE to 686 BCE

    Hezekiah Reigns

  • Period: 686 BCE to 642 BCE

    Manasseh Reigns

    Manasseh was King of Judah and a bad king.
  • 642 BCE

    Manasseh converts

    At the end of his life Manasseh was captured and he conveted to christ
  • Period: 642 BCE to 640 BCE

    Amon reigns

  • Period: 640 BCE to 609 BCE

    Josiah Reigns

    Josiah was only eight when he became king
  • 609 BCE

    Johoahaz Reign

    He only reigned for three months
  • Period: 609 BCE to 598 BCE

    Jehoiakim Regins

  • 598 BCE

    Jehoiachin reigns

    Jehoiachin reigned for three months and ten days
  • Period: 597 BCE to 586 BCE

    Zedekiah Reigns