1079 BCE
Saul born
1050 BCE
Jonathan Born
1046 BCE
Saul becomes king
1040 BCE
David born
He was the 8th and youngest son of Jesse. -
1030 BCE
David gets anointed king
David is only a around 10 years old and gets anointed by Samuel. -
1025 BCE
David and Goliath
David kills the Philistian Goliath when Saul was king. -
1020 BCE
Jonathan and David become best friends
Jonathan was actually probably more of a mentor for David because they were probably about 10-20 years apart. -
1018 BCE
Saul try's kill David while playing harp
David was a great harp player and he was called into play for Saul when he would get angry and then one time Saul tried to kill him because he knew that David was going to be the next king -
1015 BCE
Jonathan saved David with bow and arrow
Saul was still out to get David and he was hiding so on the 2nd day of the feast when Jonathan had known for sure that Saul wanted to kill David he shot the arrow and told his servant that it went far out and that meant that David was suppose to flee away from Saul. -
1013 BCE
David commander of army for Saul
David soon became very mighty and the women began to sing "Saul has killed thousands, but David has kill tens of thousands." This only added tension to the already tense relationship between David and Saul -
1011 BCE
Saul/Jonathan both died
Saul falls on his sword when he is losing the battle -
1011 BCE
Saul turns to witch and not God
Saul was about to go and fight and Samuel had died but he wanted to talk to him so he went to a witch to bring him back to talk to him. God had turned his back on him. -
1010 BCE
David actually becomes king
990 BCE
David and Bathsheda
David had an affair with Bathsheba and then ended up getting her husband hill so he could marry her. -
985 BCE
David gets ark of the convenient
David decides that he wants the ark back with him so he goes and fights his way and brings it back. -
985 BCE
David danced
He was bringing back the ark of God and was praising God so much that his cloth fell off and pretty much all the was left was his "underwear". His wife did not approve. -
985 BCE
David and Absalom
War kills Absalom and devastates David even more. -
975 BCE
Solomon Crowned King
970 BCE
David died
965 BCE
Solomon gets wisdom
God appears to him in a dream and says he'll give him whatever he wants. Solomon does exactly what God wants him to do and asks for wisdom and for that God also gave him everything he could have wanted. -
964 BCE
Construction of Temple
960 BCE
Rehboam abandons old council
960 BCE
Rahoboam abandons the old council
959 BCE
Rehoboam abandoned the law of the Lord
Because of this Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem and he took away everything. -
950 BCE
Jeroboam builds Shechem
Here they mad 2 golden calves to worship there and there hearts were turned from God -
935 BCE
Jeroboam does not turn from his evil ways and dies
Even after the man of the Lord confronts him and everything -
925 BCE
24 years -
900 BCE
2 years -
898 BCE
7 days -
897 BCE
12 years -
875 BCE
22 years -
875 BCE
Jehoshaphat becomes king
870 BCE
Jehoshaphat cry's out to God
when hearing Enemy army's are marching towards them -
870 BCE
Jehoshaphat goes into battle prasing God
God defeats Enemies. -
870 BCE
Ahab and Elijah on Mt. Carmel
Elijah challenges the phrophets of Baal to see if Baal or God is the true God by seeing who would send fire from heaven. Of course God won and then Elijah killed all the phrophets. -
870 BCE
Ahab and Jezebel chase Elijah
Because Elijah had killed all the prophets Jezebel was after him to kill him because she was mad! -
869 BCE
Jehoshaphat joins with Ahab
God was not happy with this decision. -
865 BCE
Ahab takes Naboth's vineyard
He doesn't outright kill him but Jezebel helps set it up to that he does get killed and then he just takes the vineyard. -
865 BCE
Jehoram becomes king
He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. -
860 BCE
A women asked for vessels of oil and so she went and sold them and payed off her debt. -
850 BCE
Joash- he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, he had 2 wives, then he sent out prophets to collect money to fix up the temple, however they did not and he confronted them. -
835 BCE
25 when he started to reign and reigned 29 years. Killed servants that stuck down father but not his children. He then struck down the Emanates. He brought back idles and the Lord was not happy with him -
820 BCE
Son of Ahu, reigned at 17 years, did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and his anger was kindled against him. The King of Syria destroyed them. -
810 BCE
reigned at 16 years and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. Buried in Samaria. -
800 BCE
son of Joash, reigned 41 years in Samaria, did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. -
795 BCE
Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
The high places were not taken away. -
785 BCE
Evil in the sight of the Lord.
Did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam. -
775 BCE
He conspired with another guy and struck down Zechariah.
He went into Tirzah and because they did not open it to him he ripped open all the women who were pregnant and because of this I’m assuming he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord since I couldn’t find it anywhere.. -
750 BCE
Evil in the sight of the Lord
He gave Pul the king of Assyria 1,000 talents of silver -
740 BCE
Evil in the sight of the Lord
He only reigned 2 years -
735 BCE
Evil in the sight of the Lord
Pekah the son of Remaliah, conspired against him with fifty men, and struck him down in Samaria, in the citadel of the king's house; he put him to death and reigned in his place -
720 BCE
He built Eloth and restored it to Judah
He did was right in the eyes of the Lor -
710 BCE
Right in the eyes of the Lord
He built the upper gate of the house of the Lord -
700 BCE
He did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord
He burned his son for an offering -
690 BCE
Evil in the sight of the Lord
in the 9th year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria,and he carried the Israelites away to Assyria. -
660 BCE
A women was alone and Elisha told her that she would have a son next year this time. And she did. -
655 BCE
He killed the relitives of Ahab and Jezebel and also killed Jezebel herself by having her pushed off a tower and then trampling her with his horses. -
650 BCE
He was the only one left of his brothers because the rest of them had been slaughtered and he was promised to be in the line of Jesus. -
645 BCE
She was the mother of Ahaziah and she saw that her son was dead and so she kept secret the last of the line of Jesus right before she is assumed to have passed away. -
640 BCE
He gives the paper to God that says they need to surrender! Then God destroys all the Assyrians over night about 180,000 of them! -
630 BCE
He was the most Godly and best king of Judah/Israel. That even means Solomon. -
625 BCE
He did what evil in the sight of the Lord and rebuild the high places that Hezakiah destroyed and made them a place for Baal. -
600 BCE
The Assyrians captured him and bound him with chains an hooks and he cried out to God to save him. And God save Jerusalem. -
590 BCE
He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not repent. He also sacrificed to all the gods and idols just like his father before him.