
Beowulf Timeline!

  • Nov 22, 700

    Grendel attacks Herot

    Grendel attacks Herot
    The monster Grendel decendant of cain attacks Herot due to their loud, and disruptive celibrations. He's angry and in his wrath he kills everything in sight. "Suddenly then The God-cursed brute was creating havoc: Greedy and grim, he grabbed thirty men from their resting places and rushed to his lair." Line 120 - 123 Grendel comes down to the valley an kidnaps 30 men from the hall. He takes the men to his lair and they are never seen again
  • Nov 12, 712

    Grendel continues his reign of terror.

    Grendel continues his reign of terror.
    "For twelve winters, seasons of woe,The lord of the Shildings suffered under his load of sorrow" Lines 147-149 Grendel has been ruling the land for twelve years. He kills and loots as he pleases and takes over the Heorot.
  • Nov 18, 712

    Beowulf sets sail over the seas to help the Danes

    Beowulf sets sail over the seas to help the Danes
    "He ordered a boat That would ply the waves. He announced his plan:To sail the swan’s road and search out that king, The famous prince who needed defenders." Lines 198-201 Beowulf a great, and mighty geat heard about the danes falling with the monster Grendel, and set his destination to help them, with the help of his men.
  • Nov 18, 712

    Beowulf travels across the sea

    Beowulf travels across the sea
    "Time went by, the boat was on water" Beowulf and his crew are travelling to the land of the Sheildings.
  • Nov 19, 712

    Beowulf crosses the seas to Herot

    Beowulf crosses the seas to Herot
    "When the watchman on the wall, the Shieldings' lookout whose job it was to guard the sea-cliffs, saw shields glittering on the gangplank and battle-equipment being unloaded he had to find out who and what the arrivals were." Lines 229 - 234 Beowulf lands on the shore and the Shielding lookout spots. The lookout then goes to meet these people he knows nothing about.
  • Nov 19, 712

    Grendel comes at night.

    Grendel comes at night.
    Beowullf, and his men are waiting for the monster to come so they all go to sleep. As expected grendel does come, he kills one of Beowulfs men, and reaches for Beowulf when he gets grabbed by him instead. The two fight it out, Beowulf rips off his arm, and is victorious. "By a bloodthirsty fiend. No Dane doubted
    The victory, for the proof, hanging high
    From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster’s
    Arm, claw and shoulder and all." Lines 405-409
  • Nov 19, 712

    Beowulf and the Lookout talk

    Beowulf and the Lookout talk
    "We come in good faith to find your lord And nation’s shield, the son of Halfdane. Give us the right advice and direction.We have arrived here on a great errand To the lord of the Danes, and I believe therefore There should be nothing hidden or withheld between us." Lines 267-272 The lookout questions who Beowulf and his men are and why they are here. Beowulf explains that he comes from the Geatlands and is here to help the king.
  • Nov 20, 712

    Celebration of the defeat of Grendel.

    Celebration of the defeat of Grendel.
    Everyone in herot celebrates the Death of Grendel
  • Nov 21, 712

    Grendel's mother attacks

    Grendel's mother attacks
    She kills one of Hrothgars danes, and steals back Grendels corpse.
  • Nov 21, 712

    Beowulf swears to kill her.

    Beowulf swears to kill her.
    Beowulf boasts to everyone in herot again,and takes Hrunting Unferths sword with him to kill grendels mother.
  • Nov 22, 712

    Beowulf fights Grendels mother

    Beowulf fights Grendels mother
    Beowulf finds himself in the lair he tries his sword but his weapons are unefective, he is getting beat until he finds an enchanted giants sword. He swings and kills her. He sees Grendel's body in a corner, and as a reward he cuts the head clean off for the people of Herot.
  • Nov 22, 712

    Beowulf swims to her lair

    Beowulf swims to her lair
    Beowulf is chased by all sorts of other monsters on his way down to her lair.
  • A thief Steals the Dragon's Treasure and enrages the dragon

    A thief Steals the Dragon's Treasure and enrages the dragon
    Beowulf is now king of his land, however some thief steals some of the dragons treasure, and out of anger he sets ablaze to beowulfs land.
  • Beowulf fights the dragon

    Beowulf fights the dragon
    Beowfulf old, and proud, goes to fight the dragon as a hero, he is alone, and he starts to lose. However, Wiglaf comes to Beowulfs aid, and together they kill the dagon but beowulf dies in the process