Benjamins' Birth
Benjamin was born as an ederly man.He is 70 years old at birth and his age goes backwards. Benjamin was very urgetn to get out of the too small crib that they had put him in. "I wish you'd get me out of this place - or, at least, get them to put a comfortable rocker in here." (63) -
Days later (new-born)
"Benjamin had his hair cut short and then dyed a sparse unnatural black, he had his face shaved so close that it glstened, and he had been attired in small boy clothes made to order by a flabbergasted tailor." Benjamin became 5ft 8inches. His dad thought that he was a poor excuse for a first time baby. -
He is 12!
"His parents had grown used to him" When Benjamin turned 12 things changed. His parents "No longer felt that he was different from any other child." I think right here gives us a sense that his dad does get used to him, but it does take him a while to. -
Registering for Yale
In this particular situation Benjamin forgot that he had run out of hair dye and he had his meeting in less than five minutes. There was no way that they would think that he was only 18. But, there was nothing he could do so he just went. "I am a freshman" says Benjamin but, the lady says no, you are not. Debating about this Bejamin doesn't get excepted to college. He says that it is the worst mistake the would ever make. -
Benajmin's Engaged?!?
Six months later, Benjamin got engaged to Ms. Hildegarde Moncrief. This was "made known becuase General Moncrief delcared he would rather fall upon his sword than announce it." These two were the perfect couple, or atleast that's what Benjamin had thought. -
Benjamin started working for his father
In 1880 Benjamin was 20 years old and he startedto work with his father in Roger Button & Co. Wholesale Hardware. Benjamin began his "social" life at this age as well. Benjamin and his father became more "companionable" and they started to look more like eachother. "Since Benjamin had ceased to dye his hair they appeared to be the same age, and could have passed for brothers." -
Joins the Army
"At the outbreak of the Spanish - American War in 1898 his home had for him so little charm that he decided to join the army." Benajmin and Ms. Hildegarde's relationship started falling apart. Benjamin felt like she had "so little charm" that he didnt think it was a big deal to join the army. -
Benjamin's New interests
" Benjamin's growing unhappiness at home was compensated for by his many interests." In these couple of years Benjamin started wanting to do more. So he took up golf and he "made a great success at it." He did dancing in the same year. And in the next year his "Castle Walk" was the envy of every young man in town. He wanted to focos a lot on his buisness but, by then his social activites were taking over. -
Benjamins reached the kid stage now.
Everyone liked the little boy who had a cheerful face but with a tint of sadness in it. "No one though it the thing to mention that the little grubby boy, apparently about ten years of age who played around the house wit hlead soldiers and a miniature circus, was the new baby's own grandfather." Benjamin was now a baby boy, -
Ben's A tot!
He was now five and he was old enough to play little baby games. He played with strips of paper, making mats and chains, Benjamin thought these were the best games. "Sometimes when other tots would talk about what they would do when they grew up a shadow would cross his little face as if in a adim, childish way he realized that those were the things in which he was never to share."