
Benjamin Button

By dbri223
  • Benjamin Button is born. Age 70

    In the hospital crib Mr. Button was surprised when he says an old man. Who would've thought that would be his son:"Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partially crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age. His sparse hair was almost white, and from his chin dripped a long smoke- colored breard, which waved absurdly back and forth fanned by the breeze coming in at the window" (62).
  • Benjamin Button first day of school.

    Benjamin first day at school was hard for him and after a while it soon had to end: "When he was five he was sent to kidergarten, where he was initiated into the art of pasting green paper orange paper, of weaving colored maps and manufacturing eternal cardboard neck-laces. He was inclined to drowse off to sleep in the middle of these tasks, a habit which both irritated and frightened his young teacher. To his relief she complained to his parents, and he was removed from the school"(68).
  • Benjamin Button 12th Birthday

    He began to notice a change while looking in the mirror one day he could'nt decifer whether it was his imagination or this was really what he saw.: "Did his eyes deceive him, or had his hair turned in the dozen years of his life from white to iron-gray under its concealing dye? Was the network of wrinkles on his face bocoming less pronounced? Was his skin healthier and firmer, with even a touch of ruddy winter color?" (68).
  • Benjamin is sent to Yale college

    Once Benjamin Button passed his examination to get into Yale he had to talk to Mr. Hart the registrar. He knew that without his brown dye was gone Mr. Hart would be suspicious. Thats when things begin to go upside down: "Good- Morning," said the registrar politely. You've come to inquire about your son. . ." " I'm very glad to meet you, Mr. Button. I'm expecting your son here any minute."
    "That's me!" " I'm a freshman."(69)
    "Get out," he said "Get out of college. Get out of town."
  • Benjamin Button Gets married.

    Benjamin gets a great gift to him six months later: "The engagement of Miss Hidegarde Moncrief to Mr. Benjamin Button was made known , the excitement in Baltimore society reached a feverish pitch" (73).
  • Benjamin is now twenty-years old.

    Finally Benjamin is Twenty-Years old and he wants to celebrate his birthday his way: "He signalized his brithday by going to work for his father in Toger Button & Co." (71).
  • Benjamin has a famous business coup.

    Benjamin had a good statement about shipping boxes to others. He said, "All nails used in nailing up the boxes in which nails are shipped are the property of the shippee" (75). That proposal soon became a statute.
  • Benjamin joins the army.

    " His home had for him so little charm that he dicided to join the army. With his business influence he obtained a commission as captain, and proved so adaptable to the work that he was mad a major, and finally a liejtenant- colonel" (76). Benjamin achieved so much since joining the army.
  • Benjamin starts to get too young.

    Once Roscoe had his son he began to play with him but something wierd started to happen: "Roscoe took them both to kindergarten on the same day and Benjamin found that playing with little strips of colored paper, making mats and chains and curious and beautiful designs, was the most fascinating game in the world" (82).
  • Benjamin stays behind in kindergarten.

    Roscoe's son moves on to a new grade while Benjamin stays behind: "Roscoe's son moved p into the first grade after a year, but Benjamin stayed on in the kinderharten. . ." He was to little to understand what the bright shining strips of paper were for. . . He cried because the other boys were bigger than he and he was afraid of them" (82).
  • Benjamin has gotten even younger

    Benjamin was removed from kindergarten and his nana had to take care of him: "Nana would point at a great gray monster and say "elephant, and Benjamin would say it after her. . . Sometimes Nana let him jump on the bed, which was fun" (82).
  • Benjamin disappears

    "Through the noons and nights he breathed and over him there were soft mumblings and murmurings that he scarcely heard, and faintly diferentiated smells, and light and darkness. Then it was all dark, and his white crib and the dim faces that moved above him, and the warm sweet aroma of mild, faded out altogether from his mind" (83). Benjamin was transformed into a little infant from being old at birth.