At age 70
A weak old man: "The old man turned wearily to the nurse. ‘Nice way to welcome a new born child,’ he complained in a weak voice. ‘Tell him he’s wrong, why don’t you?’ ‘You’re wrong Mr. Button,’ the nurse said severely. ‘This is your child, and you’ll to have to make the best of it. "(63). -
Ate age twelve
Benjamin life was changing. "By the time he was twelve years old his parents had grown used to him"(68).Benjaminis finally being accpeted into his parents hearts. -
At age 20 (50)
Benjamin meets his future wife: Hildegrade Moncrief. "but fifty is the mellow age. I love fifty" (73). -
At age 20
It is Benjamins birthday and he is going to start working for his father. "He signalized his birthday by going to work for his father in Roger Button & Co., Wholesale Hardware" (71). -
At age 21
Benjamin applies at Yale and the addmissons office does not believe he is supposed to be a freshman "'I'm a freshman.' Surely you're joking.'Not at all"(70). -
At age 35
Benjamin's dad retires and and his fortune ahs also doubled. "In the fifteen years between Bejamin Button's marriage in 1880 and his fathers retirement in 1895, the family fortune was doubled" (74). -
At age 38
Benjamin felt more charm on the battle field then in his house so he decided to jion the army." At the oubreak of the Spanish- American War in 1898 his home had so little charm that he decided to join the army'' (75). -
At age 46
Benjamin was becoming bored at home and he aquired many new interests. "He went ot dancing: in1906 he was an expert at "The Boston," and in 1908 he was considered proficient at the "Maxixe," while in 1909 his "Castle Walk" was the envy of every young man in town" (77). -
At age 50
Benjamin applies to college on last time but this time at Harvard instead of Yale. " A man, apparently about twenty years old entered himself as a freshman at Harvard University in Cambridge'' (78). -
At age 54
Benjamin has graduated from Harvard. "Upon his graduation in 1914 he went home to Baltimore with his Harvard diploma in his pocket" (79). -
At age 60
Benjamin is now a grandfather at the age of ten. "The little grubby boy about ten years of age who played around the house with lead soldiers and a miniature circus, was the new baby's own grandfather" (81). -
At age 64
Benjamin was now younger than his grandson, who is now in first grade. "Sometimes the other tots would be when they grew up. A shadow would cross his little face as if it was dim, childish way he realized that those were things in which he was never to share" (82). -
At age 67
Benjamn was now to young to go to school and his whole world was his nurse Nana. "he was taken front the kindergarten. His nurse Nana, in her starched gingham dress, became the certre of his tiny world" (82). -
At age 0
Benjamin's time on earth ahs run out. " Then it was all dark, and his hite crib and the dim faces that moved above him, and the warm sweet aroma of the milk, faded out altogether from his mind" (83).