Benito Juarez was born on March 21, 1806. He was born at San Pablo Guelatao, Mexico. His full name was Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia. His parents were Mesoamerican Indians. -
When Benito Juarez was three his parents died. When he was 12 years old he left the uncle that was caring for his sister and him. The uncle had put them in the city of Oaxaca, where he was getting educated. -
Benito studied priesthood, Then in 1829 he studied Arts and Science. Then when he was done with arts he decided to take Law and Science. -
In 1831, Benito received a degree in Law and won his first public office. He never used the public office as for a personal gain. -
In 1843, He got married to Margarita Maza, who was 17 years his junior. In 1841, he became a judge. He severed as a governor too. -
In 1858, He had a legal claim of presidency. There was lacking troops that needed to be controlled. He faced serious problems which made him create a government. -
In 1861, He was able to return to Mexico city after elected president. By July he decided to suspend the payment to all foreign debts for two years. -
On May 5, 1862, The French suffered a major defeat in Puebla. But with reinforcements they were somehow able to occupy Mexico city. -
Later Life
In August 1867, Benito decided issue a call for national elections. Benito proposed that changes would come soon. Benito was reelected which made him have a crisis of confidence. -
Benito was forced to leave the capital. He still alive because the government kept him alive. Benito was criticised and pressured by the U.S. to get rid of all the troops. -
Died July 18, 1872, Benito died from Heart Attack. Benito wife died three months later. Benito was buried at Pantheon of San Fernado.