190px major general friedrich wilhelm augustus baron von steuben by ralph earl

Barren Von Steauban

By Bungis
  • Becomes Prussian Officer

    Becomes Prussian Officer
    By age 17 Von Steuben would already be in the military career. This would be the beginning building locks of his time in the military. Here he would work his way up through the ranks to be what he is remembered for.
  • Reaches Rank Second Lieutenant

    Reaches Rank Second Lieutenant
    As he spends more time in the military he grows in rank. He reaches Second Lieutenant towards the beginning of the 7 years war. He is now a more prominently known name.
  • First War Wound

    First War Wound
    Von Steuben is wounded at the Battle of Prague but the Prussian still wins. The Prussian army was also outnumbered 2 to 1 but the still got victory. This is one of his first bigger or more well known victories.
  • Wounded Once Again

    Wounded Once Again
    Shortly after being promoted to First Lieutenant he is wounded again. He is wounded in the Battle of Kunersdorf. He is in a bigger position again but he tends to be wounded every so often throughout his lifetime.
  • Receives Star of Order of Fidelity

    Receives Star of Order of Fidelity
    Once again Von Steuben is a more well known name. He has moved high enough to receive The Order of Fidelity from a Duchess. This is a very big honor for many people.
  • Becomes a Baron

    Becomes a Baron
    Shortly after his star of fidelity, he becomes a Baron. This is once again a very big honor for most people. Now he gets his title of Baron Von Steuben
  • The Journey to America

    The Journey to America
    After hearing word of riches in America, Von Steuben was intrigued. He was not promised a rank or pay but he went anyways. He did not bring much on his journey and he did not know what was to come.
  • He Receives A Better Rank

    He Receives A Better Rank
    Upon arrival he receives the rank of Lieutenant General. This is higher than his real rank but he went with it. So, he starts off with a very high rank in America.
  • Starts Training The Troops

    Starts Training The Troops
    After making his first impressions he is given the rank of Inspector General. He goes and surveys the camp and does a few other minor things. However, his biggest ob was to make drills for his troops and he was very good at making them.
  • Von Steuben Resigns

    Von Steuben Resigns
    After being in the war for a good amount of time he decides to resign. He would rejoin a short while after to finish out the war. He was never paid the amount he was promised after the war ended.