Baháʼí Faith timeline

  • The Birth of Bahaullah in Tehran, Iran

    Bahaullah was born in Tehran Iran to an Iranian family at the time called Persia. As a baby; he never cried unlike other babies and cry, he was very calm. In addition to that,as a child he was truly different from other kids his age; with his high intelligence and wisdom. Everybody that new Bahaullah; knew him as a child of astonished precocity. He was known as a child to love the outdoors; spending most of his childhood in the Garden or the fields.
  • The Birth of Bab in Shiraz, Iran

    The Bab's real full name was Siyyid Ali- Muhammad, born in the beautiful of Shiraz, in South Iran; at the time named Persia. As a child, he lost his father, who was held great status; along with his piety and virtue. So the Bab was at the care of his mom and his maternal uncle; and was known to have extended knowledge and wisdom. This was believed to be a strong innate intelligence along with amazing knowledge. Lastly, as a child he was always very immersed in spirituality and prayer.
  • The Bab declared his mission as Prophet-Founder of Babi faith.

     The Bab declared his mission as Prophet-Founder of Babi faith.
    The Bab taught people that he was a prophet and that his mission was to prepare people that a messenger of God will soon appear. In addition to that, that prophet would show up in the age of peace and justice and it will be another world religion called bahauallah. This declaration was made in the city of Shiraz, Iran.
  • The Bab is martyred in Tabriz, Iran

    The Bab is martyred in Tabriz, Iran
    The Bab was executed in Iran for his religious teachings. His teachings were considered as blasphemy by shites; especially the shi'ite clerics. The method of his execution was done by firing squad. After his execution many of his followers; such as the Babis were either getting killed or were getting prosecuted.
  • Bahaullah is imprisoned of Tehran- Later exiled to Baghdad, Iraq

    Bahaullah was imprisoned on a false charge for being complicit while the Babi's were trying to attack Nasruddin Shah, the King of Iran. When he learned about the warrant, he tried to talk with his accusers but they still arressted him anyways. Later after his release his teachings caused him to be exiled from his homecountry persia, to Baghdad, Iraq which his family came along with him along with his disciples.
  • Bahaullah declares himself as a Prophet of the Bahai Faith.

    Bahaullah declares himself as a Prophet of the Bahai Faith.
    Once Bahaullah moves to Baghdad he teaches people of Iraq about this new Fath, and some people accept it. After sometime he declares his mission of being a prophet of God of the Baha'i faith and it was foretold by the myrter the Bab. Due to that; he was exiled to Istanbul,Turkey and when news were spreading over there; they exiled him to Edirne. When he was persisting to teach about the Bahai faith in the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey), they exiled him to Akka, Palestine.
  • Bahaullah is released from Akka's Prison

    After getting sent to exile inside Akka's prisons and stays there for about 15 years, he was finally freed in the year of 1877. He was living in the countryside and villages of neighboring cities of Akka such as Mazra'ih at first then Bahji.
  • Bahaullah passes away at Bahji

    Before passing away he wrote in his will that his eldest son Abdul-Baha, will the next leader of the Bahai-faith after him. The cause behind his death was because a jealous scholar thought it was neccessary from him to die so he invited him for tea and poisoned him that way.
  • Abdul-Baha makes historic Journey's around the world

    Abdul-Baha makes historic Journey's around the world
    Abdul-Baha makes this historic Journey to three different continents; Africa, Europe and North America in order to spread the word. It was a three year Journey in which he got the chance to visit London, NewYork, and Paris. It was important for him to keep the Baha message spread and to continue on with his dad's legacy.
  • Abdul-Baha passes away in Haifa, Palestine

    Abdul-Baha passes away in Haifa, Palestine
    Abdul-Baha passes away in Haifa. And in his will he passes the leadership of the Bahai-faith to his grandson, Shoghi Effendi. Abdul-Baha figured that his grandson was a better pick because he knew he would safeguard it by acting and preaching the faith.
  • Shoghi Effendi continuing the legacy and passed away in 1957

    Shoghi Effendi continuing the legacy and passed away in 1957
    For 36 years; Shoghi effendi was spreading Bahai faith, and it was a very successful spread. When his death came about, it was unexpected while travelling to England in which he caught the Asian Flu in London. That was a pandemic, which killed two million people worldwide and he was buried there in New Southgate Cemetry in England.
  • A Bahai-Faith international council was created

    A Bahai-Faith international council was created
    This was the first elected universal house of justice. This body was responsible for the governance of the entire Bahai- faith. This was 6 years after the death of shoghi effendi, which was ratified by 56 national assemblies.
  • Legacy of Bahai-Faith

    Legacy of Bahai-Faith
    In modern times, the Bahai-Faith continues up to this day, stronger than ever. With five million Bahai's living around the world making up 2,000 different ethnic groups.