Bad kitty

Bad Kitty: School Daze By: Nick Bruel

  • Introduction

    At the start of the book, Kitty is taking a nap. Puppy wakes up Kitty, and they chase each other. Baby falls down and cries. The parents blame the Kitty and Puppy.
  • Period: to

    Ava Boleski Book Report - Timeline

  • Kitty and Puppy go to school

    Kitty and Puppy go to school
    Kitty and Puppy have to go to school to learn how to be nice and be kind and be friendly. They get on the bus with Uncle Murray to go to school.
  • I Hate Cats!

    I Hate Cats!
    On the bus, Kitty and Puppy meet Petunia and Dr. Lagomorph. Petunia tells them she hates cats.
  • She's really nice!

    She's really nice!
    When they get to school, they meet their teacher, Miss Dee.
  • Circle Time

    Circle Time
    Then they have circle time to get to know each other. Everyone gets a turn, but Kitty won't do it. Kitty sticks his tongue out at Miss Dee. She tells him he doesn't have to asnwer, but he can't be rude. Petunia tells Kitty being rude is "not cool".
  • Kitty is nice to Puppy

    Puppy goes next. Puppy just sits there and slobbers everywhere. Kitty puts a bandana around his neck to help him. That was nice.
  • Arts and Crafts

    Arts and Crafts
    Next is arts and crafts time. Everyone gets to paint something. Puppy makes a really good painting. Kitty feels jealous and sticks his tongue out at the teacher and the puppy. The teacher asks Kitty why he is so angry. Kitty tells her nothing.
  • Show and Tell

    Show and Tell
    Next is show and tell time. Kitty is jealous of Puppy’s talent, and sticks his tongue out again. Kitty gets in trouble.
  • Story Time

    Story Time
    Last is story time. Miss Dee reads a story about a nice kitty. The story puts Kitty to sleep. He dreams he’s turned into Love Love Angel Kitty, who does lots of nice things and is friends with Baby and Puppy. Kitty wakes up from the bad dream and sticks his tongue out at the teacher again.
  • Graduation

    Everyone graduates from school and tells something they learned. Kitty said he didn’t learn anything, but the teacher said he was kind to the other students. She learned he’s not a bad kitty, and she is very proud to have been his teacher. That makes Kitty feel happy.
  • Back to School!

    Back to School!
    Kitty goes home. Parents say he is a bad kitty. Parents say that Miss Dee hopes he can go back again. The parents won’t send him unless he is really, really bad. Kitty tripped Baby and made him cry. The parents tell Kitty he has to go back to school. Kitty feels happy.