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    George Washington

    Washington used the newspaper and pamphlets to communicate with the people. as well as reading the newspaper to keep up with the new nation.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln was the first president to use telegram actively but that was used mostly for the Civil War. as well as his well know debates. Like Washington, he mostly used newspapers to communicate with the people but used the telegram to get essential things like victories defeats, and casualties into the newspaper for the people.
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    William McKinley

    Using the telegram and the newspaper, the news mostly followed party politics, the Telegram also helped with the war with Spain. He was the first to have a campaign ad, this allowed him to garner more support and help shift the tide to advising for congress and the presidency.
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    Teddy Roosevelt

    Used the newspaper extensively creating the Reporter room in the white house and is well known for the "Bully Pulpit" He used the telegram to communicate with the very large nation. He used slogans, and colorful quips to get into the head of the people. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is one fo the more famous quotes spoken by TR.
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    In addition to the Newspapers of old FDR had access to a very new technology, The Radio. At night FDR would broadcast on the radio his "Fireside Chats" which was him telling the nation what he was doing and how he planned on achieving it. He also used these to keep the public informed on WW2. It helped calm the public during the struggles of the 1930s and 40s. Its no wonder he was elected 4 times
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    Kennedy being an American royalty was already very famous, in addition to the radio of FDR's time, Kennedy had the TV. For the first time, the average person could see what the president was saying and how he was saying it. Kennedy was made for TV and it clearly showed in the 1960 presidential debates. It also showed JFK as this young man with a plan and Nixon as old and weak. The TV allowed the American public to fall for his charm.
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    Bill Clinton

    Clinton had access to the TV which was used a bunch to talk to the people. He televised the State of the Union like others before him. With the rise of the internet, Clinton was able to send mail through the internet instantly, he even had a presidential Email that he didn't use. It allowed for instant transfer of data and to tell people what he said and wanted
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    Obama had email, he used the TV to talk to people, and he used newspapers. He used everything that all the previous presidents used. This time Social media had risen and he was the first president to use Twitter, he never wrote andy of the tweets but he still used it to see if the people like or didn't like what was happening.
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    Trump had everything that every previous president had used Email, Social Media, TV, Radio, and Newspapers He didn't get any new technology to use.
    But he wrote his own tweets and is the first president to get banned from a social media site. I'm excited to see how this technology will continue to expand