
Anxious Ambivalent

  • 1295

    Impact of Attachment

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    Right after Landon was born, his mother connected to him very strongly. She would play with him and always spend time with him. This bond lasted up until Landon was about 5 months. It was at this time where the mother started to worry that she was connecting way too much to baby Landon. She started becoming very distant and would spend much less time with him. Whenever he would cry, she would hand him over to the father and walk away. She began to hang out with her friends and was never home.
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    Infancy cont...

    It got to the point where the mother needed to have some sense knocked into her. Her friends noticed that she was going out way too often. They sat her down and said "Listen, we're your best friends and love having you but if you're going to be missing everything in Landon's life, it kind of sucks. Maybe take some time for you and Landon for alone time." She heard thier advice and did just that.
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    Landon is very hesitant to talk to his mom again. He's spent the past year of his life thinking his mother was done with him. He begins to somewhat trust her again while also being very hesitant.
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    Early School Age

    It is at this point where it is time to put Landon into Preschool. He is skeptical at first and doesn't know where to go. He finds some toys to play within the toy box. When people come up to him he is unsure whether or not to talk to them. He wants to make friends but doesn't know how to handle the situation.
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    Middle Childhood

    At this age, Landon is trying to make friends in school. Every time he would talk to people he would be very shy and hesitant to connect to them. He subconsciously was afraid to be hurt again. He started growing away from his mom. He had a somewhat put together relationship with his father, however, he just wanted to rekindle his relationship with his mom. His mother started to pester.