• Antonio Vivaldi's birth

    Antonio Vivaldi's birth
    He was born in Venice,on 4th March 1678.
  • Vivaldi's musical career

    Vivaldi's musical career
    Vivaldi was trained in music by his father.He couldn’t continue with his obligation because of an ill health,and so he started a musical career.
  • He moved to Vienna.

    He moved to Vienna.
    He lived in Venice,where he was born, but when he lost his job, he moved to Vienna.
  • most famous works and his style

    most famous works and his style
    The Four Seasons was his most popular work, for which he wrote sonnets to match the seasons, Gloria is also one of his most famous works. His music style was Baroque.
  • His family

    His family
    His father was Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and his mother was Camilla Calicchio, he had four brothers and four sisters, but he didn’t have any children and partner.
  • When did he die.

    When did he die.
    He Died on July 28, 1741 in Vienna, Austria, because of his poverty.