Equality is born
Equality is born and grows up in the house of infants. He stays there until he is 5.There he acts as a normal child and fights with his brothers, and says he was locked in the cellar the most out of all the children. -
Home of the Students
When he is five he goes into the home of the students where he will stay for the next 10 years. Equality gets into trouble here because what he is learning is to easy. The teachers dont like him because of how smart he is. He sins and finds himself not caring, and he is also taller than everyone else. -
Eguality gets a job
Equalitys job is decided by the world council when he turns 15. Equalitys new job is a street sweeper. He was happy and said he would no longer sin -
The Tunnel
Equality finds the tunnel and decides not to tell the city. He goes down their every night and wrties in his journal. -
The Golden One
Equality meets Liberty and renames her The Golden One. THis is a sin to think of one person more higher than another, and to rename them. -
Equality discovers electricity when he is alone down in the tunnel -
LIght Bulb
Equality invents a lightbuld and decides to take it to the World Council. However that night he returns home late from the tunnel and is caught -
Corrective Detention
Equality wont tell them where he has been so he is out in the Corrective Dention and whipped. He is there for a few months and realizes the the scholars will be comeing soon and escapes prison -
World Council
Equality shows them his invention and they want to destoy his invention and kill him. They tell him if none of his brothers like it then no one can like it. Equality fleeds the city. -
Uncharted Forest
Equality had fled the city into the forest where he would not be followed, until he realized the Golden One had followed him into the woods. -
The House
Equlity and the golden one discover a house from the unmentionable times. They decide to live there. Here is where they start a family. Equalty reads many books and discovers the word "I". He vows to keep freedom and eventually free everyone.