battle of horesehoe bend
he was going to battle for this lent ans get that and he was going to get the lent in the for him. -
death of rachel donelson
he won all he battle became he a good men but he was be she die but he die but he was in the 1850 he was going the death he was going to kill her but like he was going to but she die he was so sad became. -
battleos of nwe orleans
he was going to of for the lent andhe did became he wants the lent to and he did but he did get the lent and se die in the yean 1850 ad she have a lent dises and that why she die but he was sad became she die was going to be in the battle -
jefferson day dinner
he was a good men to go to the battle for the for lent but like he was kill by a men nut he was a good men to go to the battle but he was good men for the people for to talk bt die for a hat coma and he was going to get the lent for him but was good men for the people -
jackson signs lndian removal act
he was good men but he loves going to battle and he did but he got kill became he was going to for the lent he was the men to call he was going to the battle and but he was at in battle but he did go the to battle -
jefferson day dinner
he was gong o get her but he didn't became he was going to get the lent for but he did go to the battle and get the lent and get battle but e I think he is not going to the battle became he is going o have battle. -
battle of horseshoe bend
battle of horseshoe he was going to the battle and he did became he want the lent to take it home and he did get the lent he mom and dad was getting sad became he was going to the battle of horseshoe in 1814it was the battle of the horseshoe -
inuguration of president jackson
the people was kill self became the was going to have a battle for the lent and they did became they was getting md for the lent and the got t battle for the lent but the people was so sad became fo he lent and the people are going home became the people was kill people but they wen go to the battle.