American West Timeline 1st Hour

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    Daniel Boone's Life

  • Crow Encounter Europeans

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    Revolutionary War

  • Declaration of Independence

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    Sam Houston's Life

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    Jedediah Smith's Life

    Jedediah smith was a trade explorer. He was in the Rocky Mountain trade in 1822. He latter joins the Ashley expedition and leads some of Ashley's men. One year later he leads another Ashley expedition. When after the second expedition he had retire because his mom died. One year later he was killed by Indians.
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    Black Kettle's Life

    Black Kettle was a leader of a tribe that was chosen to be part of a group that was untrusted to lead their people with wisdom. He was know to be an honest man, although most of the tribe disliked him. Him and his tribe had hard losses after they lost most of their good men in a battle against the white men. The northern and southern Cheyenne tribes would camp together only until Black Kettle signed the fort wise treaty. It only made they norther angry and the southerns sale their land and move
  • Shoshone Contact with Europeans

  • Cheyenne First Contact with Americans

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    Red Cloud's Life

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    Sitting Bull's Life

  • Trail of Tears

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    Crazy Horse's Life

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    Chief Joseph's Life

  • Gold Rush

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    Theodore Roosevelt's Life

    He was a hard working man that loved America he tried to go to law school but it did not work out for him soon after he became a Vice President and then president.
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    US Civil War

  • Bear River Massacre

  • Transcontinental RR Complete