He borns in Austria
Austria is a country from Europe. It is located between Germany, Italy, Hungary... -
He does his first composition
The symphony number 1 in Eb m when he was 8 years old. -
He does his first tour with his sister
He traveled to Germany, France, United kingdom, and Holland. -
New tour in Austria and Italy
He becomes concertino of the prince of Salzburg
He triumphs in the first appearance of his opera (Mitrídates)
His mother dies when he is in Paris.
Mozart missed her for the rest of his life. -
He brake his link with the archbishop Colloredo and he goes to viena.s
First performance of ``El rapto en el serrallo´´ (in spanish)
Mozart succesfully be liked from most of the people. -
He gets into the masonry
The masonery is a secret organization. With thyue purpose of growing like humans. It isn´t religious. -
First appearance of the opera ``Las bodas de Fígaro´´ (in spanish)
People didn´t really like it. -
He succesfully shows ``the Magic flute´´opera
This was the last composition by Mozart. He compose the rèquiem. -
He dies in vienna
He had a reumathic fieber. -
He succesfully shows the opera ``Così fan tutte´´
This opera represented the value of the opera in the XVIII.