Jan 1, 1527
DeVaca's journey
In 1527, he was second in command of an expidition leaded by Narváez, who wanted to claim the territory from Florida to Mexico for Spain. -
Jan 1, 1528
Unswitched DeVaca jouney (part 1)
DeVaca and now, his men landed at a place they called the Island of Misfortune, Galveston Island in Texas. Cabeza de Vaca and his men met the Karankawa Indians, and Devaca learned their language and got more into the medicine. He developed more of their culture. -
Apr 1, 1528
DeVaca's journey (switched)
Narveaz, the leader, never died. They never did make it to texas, so the leader never had a chance to die. With Narveaz still being the leader they do difernt things. Instead of going south of Mexico they went north and ended up in Texas. -
Jan 1, 1529
DeVaca's switched jouney
DeVaca did not come upon the Karankawa indians. -
Jan 1, 1534
DeVaca's journey (switched)
DeVaca never explored a small section of the East Texas coast in hopes of finding a way to Mexico and the Spanish colonies. Instead, he and his men came upon another pleace. Mexico. -
Jan 1, 1535
DeVaca's journey (switched)
DeVaca and Narveaz traded with Mexico because he had heard of the riches there. "Though his descriptions were modest, his account fed rumors of a vastly wealthy civilization north of Mexico, inspiring a number of later explorers seeking riches." -
Apr 1, 1536
Devaca's journey
In 1536, the spainsh found DeVaca and brought him and the survivours back to Spain. -
Jan 1, 1537
DeVaca's journey (switched)
DeVaca, not knowing anything about the indians, once he got back to Spain he did not protest against how cruel spain was being to the indians.