Jan 1, 1528
DeVaca doesn't crash onto Galveston
Instead of Crashing into Galveston, DeVaca crashed on the coast of Louisiana. -
Mar 23, 1529
No one helping DeVaca, more and more of his crew are dying faster and faster from weakness, starvation, and dehydration -
Oct 15, 1530
Taking a Chance
By taking a risk, DeVaca and the rest of his men (5 men) bulit a barge and sailed to find better land -
Sep 13, 1535
Landed in Mexico with Devaca and 3 men. Not landing in Texas caused them not to discover the Palo Duro Canyon. -
Dec 7, 1536
Find only 4lbs of gold in Mexico. Not enough to start exploration. -
Sep 19, 1537
The men are found and rescued in Mexico. Because they never crashed in Texas , no one ever found out about the 7 Cities of Gold. This didn't let people know about Texas either so no one ever explored Texas.