Potato chip
Believe it or not the Potato chip was formed in 1853 when a customer at a restaurant that wanted thinner fries. In Saratoga springs,New york there was a restaurant that was called Moon lake lodge resort. There was a customer that came in and was complaining that the fries were to thick so George Crum(cook) made them thinner,but the customer was still complaining.Crum made the fries so thin in hope of annoying the customer. The customer ended up loving them and that is how potato chips were born. -
Thomas Adams
Thomas Adams discoverd gum in 1870,New york. He discoverd gum when Santa Anna came to New york after he was exiled from Mexico. LIke many men he chewed chicle(from a tree). He introduced it to Adams who started to expariment with it for a substitute for rubber. One day he put a piece in his mouth.Shortly after opening the first chewing gum factory. -
Chester greenwood
Chester greenwood was fifteen years old when he invented the ear muffs. The whole reason of why he invented the ear muffs is because his ears got so cold when he went outside he could barely stand it. One day he wanted to try out a new pair of ice skates that he got but he ended turning back when his ears started to get so cold from the bitterly colt wind. When he got home he asked his grandmother to make something so that his ears wouldn't get so cold. -
carpet sweeper
In 1876 Grand rapids,Michigan a couple with the last name of Bissell(Anna and Malville) where cleaning up their store when Anna was getting frustrated with the sawdust that was embedded in the carpet. She asked Malville if he could make something to pick-up the sawdust. He made a carpet sweeper that would change American woman's life. It was light,picked-up the dirt and picked-up on uneven floor. When people saw this they wanted one to. The brushes were made by local woman and then put together. -
Avon cosmetics
Did you know that the first Avon lady was actually a man? The first man to sell Avon. That man was David McConnell in upstate New York in 1886. McConnell was a door to door sales man that sold books,but when no one bought any of his books he decided to add a free complementary perfume. Which he made himself with the help of a pharmacist. He learned that woman adored his perfume so he abandon the book business and went with ladies perfume instead. The first Avon lady was Mrs.P.F.E Albee.