356 BCE
Alexander is born
338 BCE
Philip (Alexander's Father) marries Cleopatra
336 BCE
Philip dies at the Festival of the Gods
336 BCE
Alexander becomes king after father's death
334 BCE
Unties the knot and proves he rules Asia
He cut the rope instead of uniting it which he was accused of cheating but they accepted it -
333 BCE
Battle of Isis
332 BCE
Alexander leads his army to Egypt
He later becomes a Pharaoh -
331 BCE
Has a battle in Guagamela
330 BCE
Burns down the Persepolis
Drunk and confused, he burned down the palace. When he sobered, he regretted his decision. -
330 BCE
Doubts he will still be king of Asia
327 BCE
At 29, Alexander marries
326 BCE
Begins campaign in India
324 BCE
Hephaestus dies of illness
324 BCE
Alexander gets infected with same disease
323 BCE
Alexander dies from the illness
He also says "Who ever is the strongest may receive my land" and then passes