Alexander Hamilton

By Maren.M
  • Alexander Hamilton was born

    Alexander Hamilton was born
    Hamilton was born Jan, 11 1757. He was born in Charlestown, Nevis. He lived with his mother since his father abandoned them when he was young. Then his mother died when he was only ten years old and it was a kick start to his path to becoming a founding father.
  • Hamilton arrived in Boston and went to New York

    Hamilton arrived in Boston and went to New York
    Alexander Hamilton began his journey to becoming a founding father by first getting known. For him to do this he need to go to where the action was, for this time period it was New York city.
  • Attended Kings college (aka Columbia university)

    Attended Kings college (aka Columbia university)
    Hamilton went to collage to get an education, which in the future helped him greatly in the war and in government.
  • Published farmer refuted

    Published farmer refuted
    Farmer refuted was a document against Samuel Seabury. One of the points that Hamilton addresses is that the colonies can survive against the parliaments and they don't need the king in there favor.
  • Appointed captain of New York artillery company

    Appointed captain of New York artillery company
    This was Hamilton major lead into the war. This was also a way he first got know in the war.
  • Hamilton met Aaron Burr.

    Hamilton met Aaron Burr.
    Aaron Burr gave Hamilton a run for his money, with challenging him in the government and with family and personal business too. Aaron also was the person who killed Hamilton.
  • Alexander Hamilton became George Washington's right hand man

    Alexander Hamilton became George Washington's right hand man
    In 1777 after Hamilton's brave actions at Kips Bay, Washington appointed him his right hand man. In later times it granted him an 'in' and great power.
  • Married Elizabeth Schuyler

    Married Elizabeth Schuyler
    At first he was doing it for the money (because she a very rich) but then he realized he loved her very much and would do anything for her. Eliza (her nickname) spread his story after he died and told everyone what he did.
  • Retired from active military duty

    Alexander retired from his service and went in to government. He also went back to school to practice law.
  • Period: to

    The siege of Yorktown

    After taking a break from the war Hamilton was invited back to be a general at the siege of Yorktown. This battle was the battle that won the revolutionary war, so it was a great honor
  • Began the federalist papers

    Began the federalist papers
    The federalist papers were a anonymously published defending the new US Constitution. There were a total of 85 essays Hamilton wrote 51, John Jay wrote 5, James Madison 29.
  • First treasury secretary of the US

    He was the first treasury secretary of the United States appointed by President Washington. He also worked on the first private bank in New York City.
  • Founded the New York Evening post

    Founded the New York Evening post
    Alexander created a new way in New York to share current information. The posts are still used to this day thanks to him.
  • The day Hamilton was shot

    In a duel the same spot his son died was a duel against Aaron Burr. Aaron Burr was angry Hamilton didn't vote for him for president which caused him to loose. So he challenged a duel against him.