¿when he was born?
the 14 of march, 1879 in germany. he gas jewish -
the studies are...
he was hired at the university of switzerland that is the best of Europe -
¿when he was graduated?
he was graduated in 1900 with a diploma in maths and in physical. -
his father die...
on 1902 -
¿What happend on 1904?
he have their first son with mileva in 1904 -
first son
he had his first son with mileva in 1904 with mileva -
second son
was called eduard in 1910 with his first wife Mileva -
first theory
he presented his first theory about the astrology (universe9 -
her prediction is right is contolled by the press -
¿what he won?
he won a nobel prize because he was a very good one of the best cientific of maths and physical of the history -
Albert Einstein visited Spain in 1923 -
in 1932...
he was in the U.S.A where he teach in the institutefor adances studies -
in 1933...
hitler acess to power -
political issues
decides to exercice its influence by paticipin in political issues that affect at the world -
have the nationality of the U.S.A becaus he leave in germany -
¿when he die?
he died on 16th abril in 1955 because he rejected an operation and he want to die natural.