Albert was born in Ulm, Germany. His father was Hermann Einstein and his mother was Pauline Einstein. Albert also had one sibling who name was Maja Einstein. His father worked as a salesman and engineer. This is significant because Albert Einstein would go on to make many scientific and mathematic discoveries.(Untermeyer 534) -
James Garfield
James Garfield was elected president in the 1880 election. He commited himself to civil rights and appointed many former slaves to government positions. Garfield also wanted a universal education system that could be funded by the government. The president was shot by Charles J. Guiteau. James was shot near his spine and the doctors could not find the bullet. He died on September 19, 1881. (James Garfield Biography) -
Max Talmud
Max Talmud became Einstein's informal tutor at the age of 15. Max introduced Einstein to a book where a man rode next to light inside of a wire. Einstein then realized that stationary light had never been seen and this thought dominated his mind for the next several years. This is significant because Einstein would go on to make discoveries about how light, energy and gravity were related.(Albert Einstein) -
Einstein was able to graduate from highschool when he was seventeen. He then enrolled in the Swiss Polytechnic Institute of Technology in Zurich. He was able to obtain his degree in physics and held the position of a lecturer without salary. He then became a physics teacher and was eventually the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute. This event is significant because some of his colleagues gave him ideas which he then created his theories from.(Untermeyer 540) -
On January 6, 1903 einstein married Mileva Maric. She was the only women who was enrolled in the Swiss Polytechnic Institute of Technology in Zurich. There marriage eventually ends in a divorce. Prior to this Einstein wrote many harsh conditions that Mileva had to follow. This is significant because Mileva played a big part in Einsteins theory of realativity.(Mileva Einstein-Maric) -
Theory of Realativity
Einstein realized that Newton's ideas about gravity were not always true and so he revised them. This theory contained two parts, Special Relativity and The Theory of General Relativity. The first part states that it is impossible to determine whether or not anything is moving without looking at another object. The Theory of General Relativity states that it is impossible to tell the difference between gravity and inertia and that objects bend space.(Astronomy and Space for Kids) -
Solvay Conference
Einstein was invited to attend the first world physics conference which was held in Brussels. He was the youngest person who was invited to join; he was 22 while everyone else averaged 25-30. The meeting was held to encourage the growth of chemistry and physics. This event is significant because Einstein was able to discuss many ideas with fellow intellectuals.(Solvay Conference) -
The Traffic Light
The traffic light was originally invented by policeman Lester Wire and only contained the red and green colors. Cars were just begining tto become popular and as a result the traffic flow was much heavier as well. Policemen originally had to man the streets by themselves, but they could only give two signals at a time. The traffic lights could communicate four messages at once regulating traffic flow. Traffic lights have had few modifications to them and their purpose had stayed the same.(Badon) -
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was comprised of many obligations for a defeated Germany to sign. Germany was forced to give up lots of land and forced to take full responsibility for initiating the war. The Treaty of Versailles attempted to treat Germany as an insignificant country and thus isolated German leaders. The treaty was created to put an end to the conflicts which brought about WWI, but it only caused many underlying problems to occur. (Treaty of Versailles) -
Nobel Prize
He was awarded this prize for "his services to Theoretical Physics. None of the candidates they had in 1921 met the criteria which they picked based off of. Therefore Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize for 1921 in 1922. Albert did not receive the prize for his famous theory of relativity, but for the photoelectric effect he proved that same year.
This is significant because not getting the Nobel Prize for his theory of relativity made him work hard to prove it(The Nobel Prize). -
The Great Depression
The depression began soon after the stock market crash in October of 1929. This caused industrial output to decline and many people to lose jobs. By 1933 about 13 million Americans had lost their jobs. Franklin D. Roosevelt made many reforms to lessen the impact of depression but they would not reverse the effects. This would not occur until WWII when Americas industry was much needed. (The Great Depression) -
Golden Gate Bridge
Construction on The Golden Gate Bridge started on January 5, 1933. They started work on two spans of the bridge and they were connected on November 20, 1936. It was then paved on April 19, 1937 and was opened to pedestrians and cars in May of that year. It was finished in less time than expected and cost less money. The bridge connected San Francisco and Marin County, California. (Key Dates) -
US Navy
Einstein worked as a consultant with the research and development division of the US navy. He worked mainly with Ammunition and explosives. Many things were showed to Einstein to see if he thought they would work. One of them was the positioning of a torpedo(Einstein 1).
This is significant because Einstein helped many war strategies and the people whom he was with is one of the main reasons he moved to Berlin and would not return to Germany. -
World War II
Japan, England and France were devastated greatly by bombing that was brought on by the war. Also The United States and England's economies were both hurt severly and in the U.S entered a time known as The Great Depression. The war caused 51 nations to join together and form the United Nation. Many significant nations and powers were involved in this orginization to keep the peace. (Effects of WWII) -
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists
Einstein and his colleagues in this group wanted to encourage the peaceful use of atomic energy. The committee had to fund itself and asked many people to donate to their cause. Einstein wanted to teach people the differences between use and misuse of atomic energy. The Baruch Plan was a plan for the United States to control atomic weapons and was presented to the UN.
This is significant because it caused tension between The Soviet Union and The United States (Guide to the Emergency Committee). -
Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 in New Jersey. His abdominal aorta had started to leak and soon the artery burst. He had asked to be cremated but instead an autopsy was preformed. When his brain was studied it was found that he had more cells in his brain than a normal brain.(Bragg 154) This is significant because it was sometimes said that Albert Einstein had the biggest scientific breakthroughs since Newton(Bragg 151).