
  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    The visigothic king Don Rodrigo was defeated by the Muslims commanded by General Tarik. This marked the end of the Visigothic kingdom.
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Conquest and dependent Emirate

    Al-Andalus was a Dependent Emirate: a province that depended politically and religiously on the Umayyad Caliphte of Damascus.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    The Christians led by Don Pelayo defeated the Muslims. This battle is taken as the beginning of "La Reconquista"
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    The Muslims attacked the south of France but they were defeated by the Franks.
  • 756

    Abderraman I arrived to the Iberian P. & established an Independent Emirate

    Abderraman I arrived to the Iberian P. & established an Independent Emirate
    The Umayyad prince Abderraman I arrived to the Iberian Peninsula after running away from the murder of his family at the hands of the Abbasids and taking advantage of the tensions between Arabs and Berbers he removed the emir from Al-Andalus and established an independent emirate.
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independent Emirate

    Abderraman I arrived to the Iberian Peninsula and established and Independent Emirate. During this period they had problems such as the Franks conquering Barcelona and Girona, the rebellion of the Muladi and the Christian kingdoms conquering Zamora.
  • 929

    Abderraman III proclimed himself Caliph

    Abderraman III proclimed himself Caliph
    Abderraman III proclimed himself Caluph, leading to a political and religious independence from the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad.
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Caliphate of Cordoba

    It was the best period of al-Andalus. Abderraman III put an end to the internal conflicts,stopped the conquest of the Christian kingdoms and organised a great army.
    Stability lasted until a civil war broke out between the followers of Hisham II and the followers of the son of Almanzor.
  • 1031

    The Caliphate of Cordoba was disintegrated into 28 Taifas

    The Caliphate of Cordoba was disintegrated into 28 small independent Muslim kimgdoms called "Taifas".
  • Period: 1031 to 1085

    1st Taifas

    Taifas: small independent Muslim Kingdoms.
    The Taifas competed with each other for territory and cultural reputation and for this reason they were weak.
  • 1085

    Alfonso VI conquered Toledo

    Ignoring the parias paid by the Taifas the king of Leon Alfonso VI conquered the Taifa of Toledo.
    The Muslims saw it as the beginning of the end.
  • Period: 1085 to 1145

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids came to the Iberian Peninsula to help the Taifas fight the Christians.
    They reunified them and integrated them into their empire.
    The Almoravids implemented a strong religious radicalism chasing the Jews and the Mozarabs.
  • Oct 23, 1086

    Battle of Sagrajas

    Battle of Sagrajas
    The Almoravids defeated the christians.
  • 1145


    Al-Andalus disintegrted again into Taifas.
  • Period: 1145 to 1172

    2nd Taifas

    They were independent until The Almohads conquered them.
  • 1172

    The Almohads conquered Al-Andalus

    The Almohads conquered the Taifas in AL-Andalus and reunified all to their empire.
  • Period: 1172 to 1212

    The Almohads

    The Almohads reunified al-Andalus and united it to their empire.But in 1212 they were defeated by the Christians and the Taifas were created again.
  • Jul 19, 1195

    Battle of Alarcos

    Battle of Alarcos
    The Almohads defeated the Christians army of Alfonso VII.
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    The Christians of Alfonso VIII defeated The Almohads with the help of Aragón and Navarra.
  • Period: 1212 to 1238

    3rd Tifas

    Little by little the Christian kingdoms of Aragón and Castilla were conquering the Taifas.
  • 1238

    Nasrid Kingdom

    Nasrid Kingdom
    Al-Andalus was reduced to the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. Al-Ahmar enters to Granada.
  • Period: 1238 to 1492

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    They survived for more than 200 years due to their geographical situation. Thanks to the access to the Mediterranean Sea they developed a rich trade.They also survived because they paid “parias”.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    The Catholic Kings conquered Granada

    The Catholic Kings conquered Granada
    After 10 years of war, the Catholic kings took Granada and the "La Reconquista" came to an end.