Jan 8, 1324
Marco Polo
In 1323, Polo was confirmed to bed, due to illness. On January 8, 1324 despite Physicians efforts to treat him, he was most definitly on his death bed. -
May 25, 1420
Prince Henry
May 25, 1420 Henry gained appoitment as the governor of the very rich order christ, the Portuguese Succesor to the knights templar and headquarters was at tomar. -
Jan 1, 1453
Christofer Columbus
He was an early explorer, colonizer, and navigator born in the Republic of Genoa (Northwestern Italy). With the fall Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the land route to Asia became much more difficult and dangerous. -
Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther
He was born November 10, 1483. He was agerman monk he had also published a german translation to the old testimant. -
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco da Gama
He set on the Journey to the Cape on July 8, 1497 followings the route pioneered by earlier explorers along the coast of Africa via Tenerife and the Cape Verde Islands. -
Jan 1, 1518
Hernan Cortes
In 1518 he was in command of an expedition to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for colonization. At the last minute due to old gripe he changed his mind and revoked his charter. Cortes ignored the orders and went ahead anyway. -
Jan 1, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
He started his expedition in 1519, becoming the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean, and first to ever cross the Pacific. -
Jan 1, 1521
Ignatius of Loyola
After being wounded at the battle of Pamplona in 1521, he under went a spiritual conversion while in recovery. -
May 10, 1534
Jaques Cartier
In 1534 he had set out on his first voyage under a commision from the king, hoping to discover a western passage. Starting on May 10, 1534 he explored parts of Newfoundland. During one stop at the Island of the Birds him and his crew slaughtered around 1,000 birds most of them Great Auks (now extinct). -
Jan 1, 1536
John Calvin
He published the first editionto his seminal work The Institutes of Christian Religion after he fled to Basel, Switzerland in 1536. -
Jun 26, 1541
Francisco Pizarro
In Lima, Peru on June 26, 1541 a group of twenty heavily armed suppoters of Diego Almarg II stormed Pizarro's Palace and assasinated him. -
Jan 1, 1542
Nicholas Copernicus
Rheticus spent 2 years writing a book outlining Copernicus's theory. In 1542 Rhetic published the book in trigonometry by Copernicus. -
Jan 1, 1573
Tycho Brahe
in 1573 he refuted the aristotleian belief in an unchanging celestial realm. Also known for his accurate and comprehensive observations. -
Jan 1, 1581
Galileo Galilei
In 1581, when he was studying medicine he noticed a swinging chandeller, and it didn't stop. Then almost 100 years later it was used as an accurate time piece. -
Johannes Kepler
He claimed to have an epiphany on July 19, 1595 while teaching Graz, demonstrating the periodic conjunction of saturn and jupiter in the zodiac he realized that regular polygons bound one in scribed and one circumscribed circle at definate ratios, which he reasoned might be the geometrical basis of the universe. -
Rene Descartes
In 1641 he published a metophysics work, Meditationes de Prima Philosophial written in latin and thus adressed to the learned. -
Franers Bacon
Bacon was commonly invoked as a guiiding spirit of the royal society founded undeer Cahrles II in 1660. -
Robert Boyle
In 1670 he demonstrated that a reduction in ambient pressure could lead to bubble formation in living tissue. This description of a viper in a vaccume was first recorded description of decompression sickness. -
Isaac Newton
In a manuscript he wrote in 1704 in which he describes his attempts to extract scientific information from the bible. He also wrote numerous religous tracks dealing with the literal interpretation of the bible.